• Scientists believe the results suggest that montelukast could be an effective option to current asthma therapies in 6- to 14-year-old patients.

    CNN: Making Child's Play Fun

  • "You can do these on 90-year-old patients, " King said.

    NPR: Heart Repair Breakthroughs Replace Surgeon's Knife

  • The hope is to flag borderline cases or high-risk patients not spotted by existing tests--like a lean, 40-year-old nonsmoker with an innate vulnerability to heart attack--and target these patients for drugs or lifestyle changes.

    FORBES: The Suggestive Gene

  • For all patients, old-fashioned diuretics, or water pills, are the preferred first treatment.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In the autumn of 1954, not long after Pamela Schmidt's surgery, he lost six out of seven cross-circulation patients, including a 7-month-old baby.

    FORBES: Brave heart

  • At the multi-million pound Peterborough City Hospital, the duke and duchess met patients including seven-year-old Emma Henson, who suffers from a rare disorder meaning her arteries and veins are entangled.

    BBC: William and Kate visit Cambridge

  • Koch, a 55-year-old oncology nurse, had been telling patients that her son had called to say he was coming home soon.

    WSJ: War Tragedies Strike Families Twice

  • Koop, worried that medicine had lost old-fashioned caring and personal relationships between doctors and patients, opened an institute at Dartmouth to teach medical students basic values and ethics.

    WSJ: Koop, who transformed surgeon general post, dies

  • The patients, a 31-year-old man and 21-year-old woman died in mid-February in the southwestern area of the country.

    CNN: Cambodia sees spike in bird flu deaths

  • One of Huang's patients 81-year-old Rhona Landorf, who lives in New York City needed little persuasion.

    WSJ: Study questions kidney cancer treatment in elderly

  • But, the News of the World claims the 28-year-old dabbled with drugs during an outing with fellow patients at the clinic.

    BBC: News | Football | FA probe Collymore drug claims

  • The patients - a 25-year-old woman, a 36-year-old man and a 39-year-old man - were given MRI scans at the Vera Cruz hospital on Monday.

    BBC: Brazil health authorities investigate MRI scan deaths

  • Devi Shetty is India's most celebrated heart surgeon, having performed the country's first neonatal heart surgery on a nine-day-old baby, and numbered Mother Teresa among his patients.

    ECONOMIST: The charms of frugal innovation

  • One of my patients, a beautiful 25-year-old woman, was left with shark bite-sized divots all over her thighs and stomach after undergoing laser liposuction by a family medicine doctor.

    CNN: Plastic surgery: 'Wild West' of medicine

  • That leaves patients seeking a heart-health booster beyond statins with old-fashioned lifestyle methods such as diet and exercise.

    WSJ: New Rules for Boosting Good Cholesterol

  • Drug companies have taken a lot of flack for trying to switch patients to such new-and-improved versions of old drugs.

    FORBES: Forest Bears Fruit

  • The first three patients to be identified are an 87-year-old man and a 27-year-old man from Shanghai, and a 35-year-old housewife from Anhui.

    CNN: New bird flu well-adapted to infect people

  • On Saturday -- before Israel launched its ground incursion -- old Palestinian ambulances had carried the wounded across the border, where patients were loaded into modern ambulances.

    CNN: Doctor in Gaza: Patients 'lying everywhere'

  • It has worked well for AstraZeneca (nyse: AZN - news - people ), which has switched patients from its old ulcer drug, Prilosec, to a new one, Nexium.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The country's excellent doctors are said to have an old-fashioned regard for their own authority, which can interfere with giving patients the sort of information they need to participate in trials.

    ECONOMIST: Clinical trials in India

  • In the case of the 62-year-old, the US doctor involved said that he was deceived by the patients involved, believing that the woman and her brother - the biological father - were husband and wife, and that she was much younger.

    BBC: Fertility abuses blasted

  • New data indicates the old vaccine did clear plaque--although whether the medicine actually stopped the deterioration of patients' minds is an open question.

    FORBES: Elan, ImClone Lose, Celgene Wins

  • When he isn't seeing patients, Deisseroth, a mild-mannered 38-year-old with a mop of brown hair, spends his days in a bustling basement lab beneath Stanford's James H.

    FORBES: Ideas & Opinions

  • Brooke Jaffe, a 21-year-old English major at Barnard College in New York, and Justin Lambert, a 20-year-old nursing major at Concordia University in Portland, Oregon, are two cancer patients in remission who helped with the project.

    CNN: Video game aims to help young cancer patients

  • One of the first patients to undergo the procedure using the robot was 70-year-old arthritis sufferer May Walker, who had the same operation on her other leg 11 years ago.

    BBC: Robot used to guide surgeons through knee operations

  • Some patients in Wales have already benefited from the new service including 26-year-old Swansea student Gillian Jackson.

    BBC: Digital hearing aids launched

  • Suppose a manufacturer has a high-priced, branded drug for asthma, used mostly by younger patients, and a high-priced drug for arthritis, used mostly by the old.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • It also contains Topol's response, in which he publishes a new analysis of four-year-old data that he says shows a "significant" increase in heart attack and stroke in patients taking Vioxx after as little as six weeks.

    FORBES: Vioxx: More Debate, More Data

  • Electroshock therapy, the decades-old treatment of last resort for depression, indiscriminately blasts the entire head to induce seizures and jar patients out of their blues.

    FORBES: Rewiring the brain

  • Ms Nickless, whose 15-month old daughter has G551D cystic fibrosis, said she wanted the drug to be made available to patients of all ages, despite the European Medicines Agency advising it only be given to people over six years old.

    BBC: Ellie Nickless

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