Old-style psychotherapy, with its protracted bonding of caregiver and patient, is akin to "rent-a-friend, " Mayhugh says.
It offers atmospheric cafes, excellent restaurants, old-style beach seafood huts and a good-for-a-laugh amusement pier.
An old-style Royal typewriter sat at the precise center of a long, heavy antique table.
An old-style five-year degree at a single campus would be costly, even at central European rates.
Is the old-style pension model better, or should employees control their own retirement funds?
That said, plenty of big, ailing companies are still being kept alive through old-style, bank-led rescues.
Mr Yanagisawa, who has repeatedly argued against old-style quick fixes, refuses to promise this.
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This will also help to offset the loss of sales from old-style industry reservation systems.
But are their leaders just calling for more taxing and spending and imitating old-style Labour policies?
With an old-style 401(k) you get to deduct the amount put in but owe income tax on all withdrawals.
Using old-style quota sampling Gallup's polls had shown a Labour lead of 37 points.
Its cocktail of Congolese Tutsis, exiled academics and old-style Mobutu supporters became increasingly fractious.
Today, online flickers of news are so constant and incremental that the old-style regimen is losing relevance.
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The result is an unorthodox blend of courtroom drama and old-style weepie, and somehow it comes off.
This is because there would be virtually no delay on the display screen, compared to old-style radar.
If Mr Byers cannot change his old-style ways, a new industry secretary might be needed who can.
Moreover, many of the old-style religious rightists have been less than enthusiastic about Mr Bush's faith-based programmes.
Worse, in the longer term, new electronic networks could take over much of what old-style exchanges do.
"Russian officials were ready for the kind of old-style confrontation a McCain presidency appeared to offer, " he said.
Old-style banking required the public to travel across town, line up before tellers and fill out complicated forms.
If they miss, they are inert: unlike old-style weapons, they won't go off when prodded with a stick.
Their methods tend to be less subtle (and their fees higher) than those of the old-style small-time operators.
The new owners have not altered the old-style-hospitality character of Brown's one jot.
To keep an old-style machine running for 24 hours required three shifts and eight hours of a technician's time.
With his backroom savvy, copious network and tidy bank balance, he is also a master of Thailand's old-style politicking.
It was a very old-style low, but with new volume, thanks to new technology - and billions of dollars.
Still, Mr Fazio has at least kept some old-style virtues at his institution.
However, it won't have escaped their attention that the deadline for old-style applications falls 11 days before the consultation closes.
But it also warns that we should not romanticise the past and believe that old-style farming was healthier for consumers.
He believes his gallery can survive, but Gupta doesn't expect to take home an old-style investment banking paycheck anytime soon.