There is no end to the cafes, bars and clubs in the Old City.
In addition to the history and the sights, the Old City full of food and drink.
The main venue costs 300 baht while the smaller annex in the Old City costs 100 baht.
One of the worst-hit locations in Londonderry was Old City Close, in the Brandywell area.
Fighting also raged elsewhere in Aleppo's old city, including near the Palace of Justice, it added.
But much remains to be achieved for the conservation of the Old City of Jerusalem.
The NYC blog Gothamist happened across old photos of a 25-year-old city lawyer on Facebook.
And inside the old city walls lie the remnants of a single Hindu temple.
Baldwin Street, King Street and all roads in the Old City will be closed during car-free Sundays.
Most such places are gone, torn down in old city neighborhoods, never built in carefully planned suburbs.
If you came this way from the Old City, you most likely walked through the Jewish Quarter.
After the Hurva was destroyed, the rabbis began negotiating the surrender of the Old City to the Arabs.
In Cairo, the hotel faced the great pyramids, turning its back on the restless activities of the old city.
Adam notes this old City Journal piece Diane wrote back in 1999.
Since liberation, the emirate's old city-dwelling elite has sensed a loss of influence to newer arrivals from tribal backgrounds.
ECONOMIST: Kuwait, America and Iraq: My best friend's war | The
Idle away the afternoon by exploring the narrow sois (side streets) of Rattanakosin, the old city, or Yaowarat, Bangkok's Chinatown.
The Old City Bar on central Str Lipscani was one of the first in the area and remains one of the best.
The next day, two men loaded the trunks onto a horse-drawn cart and carried them away to the Old City.
Elsewhere, much has changed: Ottoman minarets pierce the sky and outside the old city the prosperous Akko is unmistakably modern Israel.
Literally: he is moving Zappos to the old City Hall in Las Vegas (about a half-mile north of the Strip).
And the lanes of gutted houses lead to the historic Old City, the cherished heart of Homs which barely beats now.
The Newport Arch formed part of the centuries old city walls in Lincoln and is being damaged by the hard winters.
Their progress along the narrow lanes of the old city was slowed by the people, cars and rickshaws in their way.
Al-Aqsa mosque is in the heart of Jerusalem's old city, alongside sites also considered amongst the holiest by Jews and Christians.
On Monday a British Army spokesman said members of the Third Parachute Regiment were heading in large numbers for Basra's old city.
While it does not have the tightly wound alleys and low wooden buildings of the old city, its heart is very traditional.
Many of the colonial mansions within the Old City have been transformed into comfortable apartments, while high-rise modern flats can be found outside the walls.
What he would have made of the moat outside the old city's walls being made into a golf course is anybody's guess.
In 1986, her "Big Bang" in the City of London abolished the commission system for stockbrokers and broke up the old City club.