But the move marks a further departure from the old guard, led by Sanford I.
And while that may ruffle some feathers among the old guard, it's not necessarily all bad.
There is no assurance that Omidyar's efforts will reap any greater good than the old guard.
Yet no new stars have emerged in the last decade to sweep the old guard away.
He can take heart from Argentines' rejection of the old guard, personified by Mr Menem.
Should he do that, he will be able to sweep out the UMNO old guard.
There was the old guard resistance at first to the dismantling of big bureaucratic structures.
Peter Diamandis, the foundation's chairman, believes the old guard is no longer able to innovate.
The old guard apparently thought ASEAN was doing just fine, thank you very much.
And so the old guard tabled a no-confidence motion, forcing an extraordinary general meeting.
Do you get rid of the old guard on the board or the newbie current executives?
For one thing, although LDP's gains have cheered the old guard, the success is deceptive.
The old guard of hanger-ons and consultants once again line up at the trough.
Some see it as a last-ditch attempt by Turkey's old guard to cling to power.
One can envision a scenario where Apple could, again, disrupt the old guard of content provision.
It was opposed by the Free Democrats and an old guard of cold-war defence buffs.
Mr Simitis no doubt hopes to fend off the fury of his party's passionately anti-Turkish old guard.
Vice President Alexander Rutskoi will probably emerge as the ringleader of the Old Guard opponents of structural reform.
For some in the food world's old guard, vulgar cookbook language is an assault on once-genteel food writing.
And the old guard Telfair Academy museum has a fine arts neighbor in the architecturally modern Jepson Center.
And in Europe, says Mr Paltridge, there is evidence that the old guard is finally yielding to change.
But ASEAN's old guard opted for immediate integration, in effect making itself answerable for the other nations' advancement.
Poland, meanwhile, has shown that newcomers to the EU can be just as obstructive as the old guard.
Japan's old guard worries that radical steps will precipitate an economic crisis, and so prefers the status quo.
The company has gotten new editorial leadership, and that has meant departures by some of the old guard.
The NDP's old guard will also resist Mr Mulcair's desire to move the party closer to the centre.
But some Argentines wonder whether the president really has the stomach to tackle his party's corrupt old guard.
To be sure, the old guard will continue to clamor on about the immutable centrality of a carbon tax.
Meanwhile, the old guard should accelerate the induction of senior officials from the new countries into the ASEAN culture.
In America the battle between newcomers and old guard is already firmly joined.