Over the past decade the majority of older people who required care in Belfast used the private sector.
But this will largely benefit older people who have built up substantial assets through savings, pensions and property.
The hospital, which has 30 beds, is used for the recovery of older people who have previously had health problems.
Christine says the government should be doing more to help older people who live on a budget with their fuel bills.
He is, of course, attracted to photographing older people who have strong signature styles, whether flamboyant, offbeat, timelessly glamorous or impeccably hip.
Virtual assistants may be students working their way through college, parents who want to work from home or older people who are semi-retired.
More and more gene tests are emerging that aim to predict the course of disease in middle-aged and older people who are already sick.
Not much, according to Carlson, who notes that studies have shown benefits for older people who walked a total of 90 minutes a week.
The overall site may also include some beds for older people who need extra support to help them when they leave a major hospital.
Now, bear in mind this is a list compiled by older people who are trying to warn other older people about what young people know and don't know.
Older people who lose too much weight increase their risk of falls and fractures, said Greenwood, who studies diet and the brain but was not involved in the current research.
The good news for Comcast, DirecTV, et al. is that a good chunk of the holdouts are, in fact, older people who grew up when all TV was free.
Older people who are wary of the internet (and who still hold on to the fantasy their lives are private) are more cautious and suspicious of sharing too much information publicly.
It is a bit different in London and the South East of England where there is a concentration of some older people who are actually doing rather better than the country as a whole.
Older people who engage in a lot of social interactions stay young for their chronological age, argues John Rowe, a professor of medicine and geriatrics at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.
ECONOMIST: The latest from the wacky world of anti-senescence therapy
Youth, incidentally, are said to be leaving Facebook, perhaps because they see it as a place increasingly spammed by older people who have joined the network: eg. inspirational quotes superimposed on sunsets, stale memes, etc.
It includes older people who would like to work but for whom working involves loss of some portion of their benefits, younger people, legal immigrants, part-time workers and others who have taken themselves out of the work force.
The WHO says that in most affected countries, the majority of cases appear to be occurring in young people, around the ages of 12 to 17, although some reports suggest it is mainly older people who have required hospital treatment.
But a lot of activities, such as chaperoning school field trips, helping a sick child make a collage, reading to older people who have lost their eyesight or participating in an AIDS walk with friends, can be lots of fun.
None of this of course is to criticise social services - they have made it quite clear for some time that their resources are stretched too thinly to support the many frail or confused older people who wish to remain in their own homes.
States that have imposed community rating in the individual market have discovered that the total number of uninsured people rises rather than falls, because the number of older people who gain coverage due to premium reductions is more than offset by the number of younger people who drop their coverage due premiums hikes.
FORBES: Should Your Kids Subsidize My Grandmother's Health Care?
"With planning and the right investments in people now ... our world of 7 billion can have thriving, sustainable cities, productive labor forces that can fuel economic growth, youth populations that contribute to the well-being of economies and societies, and a generation of older people who are healthy and actively engaged in the social and economic affairs of their communities, " UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, said in a new report.
CNN: U.N.: World can 'thrive' as population reaches 7 billion
Yet older people, who remember their parents drinking it, want to try it themselves, too.
Older people, who may walk more when they are no longer able to drive, are particularly vulnerable.
The researchers say that such reductions could have a substantial impact, particularly in older people, who have higher rates of heart disease.
Many older people, who typically die during outbreaks of flu, were protected as they had been exposed to the virus decades before.
"Dignity for life is our ambition and part of this is ensuring that our older people, who have worked a lifetime and deserve a little peace of mind in their retirement, are not exposed to abusers, " he added.
"Halloween can be a distressing time of year for older people particularly those who are pet owners, " she said.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Damage surges over Halloween
He noted that the biggest drop came among two specific demographics -- older Americans and people who live in rural areas.
CNN: Obama: 'Shame on us' if Newtown doesn't bring new gun laws