• Next morning, I stand on Bourke's reconstructed old wharf and look down at the olive-green Darling River.

    ECONOMIST: A land of drought

  • Vincent was leaning against a white Land Rover, clad in an olive-green safari jacket and flanked by the camp's two smiling caretakers.

    WSJ: Finding Stillness in a Roving Moroccan Retreat

  • In the late 1980s, the egalitarian army retired the baggy olive-green pants and jackets and took on tailored uniforms, complete with stars, flaps and epaulets.

    CNN: China's military modernization a cause for concern?

  • We sent the gentlest eddies through the olive-green waters.

    WSJ: Nicaragua's San Juan River by Boat

  • The designers showed styles similar to last season's but in updated colors olive-green along with white helping customers identify the brand again easily but also giving them something new to buy, Mr. Keledjian said.

    WSJ: What Designer Boutique Intermix Wants From Runway Fashions

  • Dressed in an olive-green suit and tie and carrying a black bag, Mr. Johnson hid behind a van outside the firm's office, then approached Mr. Ercolino and shot him once in the head with a .45 caliber semiautomatic handgun, authorities said.

    WSJ: Two Shot Dead Near Empire State Building

  • With his olive green safari-suit and wispy beard, he had the look of an old-style revolutionary -- a Philippine version of Ho Chi Minh or Fidel Castro, perhaps -- and he had the rhetoric to match.

    BBC: The holy warriors of Mindanao

  • Upstairs, designer David Mitchell created a serene guest-bedroom color scheme of olive green, rust, chocolate brown and khaki.

    FORBES: The 2005 Investment Guide

  • John Dory and caramelized fennel, green garlic, bouillabaisse jus, and black olive crostini enhanced by a full-bodied Feudi di San Gregorio 2007 Falanghina--I could go on (and we did, well into a third dessert), but suffice it to say that thanks to some thoughtful updating, the Mansion has reasserted itself among the Lone Star State's elite.

    FORBES: Lifestyle Feature

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