The border agency said there were between 1, 762.5 and 1, 940.5 tablets bearing the Olympic rings logo.
The Olympic rings cannot be reproduced in the five-color interlocking version on a black background.
FORBES: Olympic Hurdles For Advertisers: The Games' Unique Rules And Restrictions
Suddenly the Olympic rings had become one of the world's most marketable symbols.
The stunning visual ceremony started with a snowboarder jumping through the Olympic rings.
When using the Olympic rings symbol, for both multicolor and single-color reproductions, the symbol must be official Olympic Pantone colors.
FORBES: Olympic Hurdles For Advertisers: The Games' Unique Rules And Restrictions
The same team took the first-ever single-molecule image in 2009 and more recently published images of a molecule shaped like the Olympic rings.
BBC: Atomic bond types discernible in single-molecule images
As he ran past me in the earlier laps I had spotted the Olympic rings on a board so I framed my picture with these.
The journey has improved since the Ukrainian Fencing Association bought her a new hatchback with private number plates and the Olympic rings plastered across the bodywork.
In order to make sure that the Olympic symbol is not infringed upon, there is a protected area surrounding the Olympic rings that must be honored.
FORBES: Olympic Hurdles For Advertisers: The Games' Unique Rules And Restrictions
Meanwhile in Downing Street the official flag of the 2012 Paralympic Games has been raised - replacing the Olympic rings that have been flying over Number 10.
The solid version of the Olympic rings can only be used for single-color reproduction in any one of the official Olympic colors plus grey, bronze, silver or gold.
FORBES: Olympic Hurdles For Advertisers: The Games' Unique Rules And Restrictions
To ensure that the integrity of the symbol is maintained and to maximize its effectiveness, it is vital that Marketing Partners use the Olympic rings only as directed and approved.
FORBES: Olympic Hurdles For Advertisers: The Games' Unique Rules And Restrictions
In the case of Jia Jiang, the request was made at Krispy Kreme for a set of specialized donuts fashioned to look like the five interlocking Olympic rings from the store employee, Jackie.
Lord Haskel protested that there were suppliers who had "no wish to use the logo... no wish to use the Olympic rings" but wanted to "use the Olympics as a shop window for the products... which they have supplied, to go out and get further orders from other countries".
Marketing Partners have the right to use the Olympic symbol (five rings) of the IOC in promotions and advertising of designated products or services.
FORBES: Olympic Hurdles For Advertisers: The Games' Unique Rules And Restrictions
The rings must never be shown in Olympic yellow on a white background, because yellow does not contrast enough against a white background.
FORBES: Olympic Hurdles For Advertisers: The Games' Unique Rules And Restrictions
In 2007, Dennis Spurr, a butcher from the Fantastic Sausage Factory in Weymouth, Dorset, was reportedly told to take down a sign showing five sausage rings in the shape of the Olympic logo, with 2012 written underneath.