Slothower cites as bullish omens the onset of positive seasonality and the midterm election cycle.
Let us not allow omens of destruction and death to accompany the advance of this world!
As if the omens could be much worse, Romania's record in European Championship finals is abysmal.
The omens for a successful implementation of a HGH test before next summer are not auspicious.
But ask Moyes what omens mean to him and you would probably get short shrift.
Although there are ill omens aplenty, the economy's resilience thus far has been remarkable.
If the omens are good, the distributors will augment the advertising budget in the second week.
May he turn out to be more enlightened than some of the early omens suggest.
The result, meanwhile, will surprise few, particularly with such bleak omens for Hull coming into the match.
The omens looked good when, after entering to pipers playing Scotland the Brave, Britain went 3-1 up.
Its early standing in the opinion polls has been quite promising, but the longer-term omens are not good.
Such omens suggest that the Berlin republic is a different sort of character from its westward-leaning, Bonn-based predecessor.
An ad, a promoter or a broker from the firm that took the company public are all bad omens.
The omens are good that 2003 will be a watershed for digital radio.
But the omens are not good: a small-businessmen's party formed for the most recent Duma elections polled only 0.3%.
And the omens from the last real bear market for hedge funds, 40 years ago, are far less encouraging.
Yet the omens for close relations when the government took office were good.
Yet on the face of things the omens for another push for peace between Israel and the Palestinians are poor.
But there are a few worrying omens in the air, notably the collapse of the Doha round of trade talks.
ECONOMIST: The balance of economic power in the world is changing. Good
Three years previously, they had reached the European championship semi-finals at the first time of asking, so the omens looked good for Mexico.
These ill omens arrived in July, before the latest stage of the debt market crisis that may well have impacted European consumers even more.
Woods is certain to receive plenty of vocal support from the noisy New York crowds, and the omens are good for a winning return.
Despite the many real bits of heartening news, bad omens abound.
The omens were not good for the home side coming into the game having not recorded a win over Middlesbrough under the leadership of Gareth Southgate.
With companies' share prices sharply lower and access to credit markets getting tougher, the omens for a rapid recovery in business investment do not look good.
Drilling down into the report reveals still more serious omens.
The omens for the Sunday's spectacle were not good after the cars performed poorly during Saturday's qualifying, with Alonso failing to make it to the final part of the session.