Americans, perhaps because they have a guilty conscience, think of the IRS as being omniscient.
It brings down the barriers that usually put journalists up on some omniscient pedestal.
"Who's winning the election" is among the top queries tapped into the omniscient Google.
Dr Page thinks he has a method that could be ready before Dr Deutsch's omniscient machine.
No one wakes up one day, fully credentialed, industry-omniscient, and ready to take on an all competition.
Assuming the role of an omniscient spirit allows Mr Mailer a literary indemnity.
"The Old Bunch" is a reminder of why novelists were once regarded as gods gods in the sense of being omniscient.
WSJ: The Old Bunch | Meyer Levin | Destiny's Children | Masterpiece by Joseph Epstein
And the terabytes of data sucked up every five seconds by its omniscient glasses will, of course, flow to Google.
CNN: Why life through Google Glass should be for our eyes only
Remember, how much we loved that cute, little omniscient Yoda who was able to guide Han Solo to his destiny.
Based on the idea of perfect competition, where the market is omniscient, this code is as unenforceable as the insider trading rules.
It's quite nice and comforting sometimes to have an unseeing omniscient figure in the book - but that is generally the author.
Still, his omniscient style is reminiscent of the very men he chastises.
If viewed in this perspective, there is no means by which even the most idealized omniscient designer could duplicate the results of voluntary interchange.
FORBES: Order, Prosperity, and Hard Work: Appreciating James Buchanan (1919-2013)
From this it follows that it is logically impossible for an omniscient designer to know, unless, of course, we are to preclude individual freedom of will.
FORBES: Order, Prosperity, and Hard Work: Appreciating James Buchanan (1919-2013)
The omniscient network gives, say, a headhunter the ammunition to blackball a job candidate after turning up an ancient drunk driving arrest or a dispute with an online vendor.
Kubrick would reveal an affinity with that perspective as he developed his signature filmmaking style, an icily formal, deliberately paced approach that conveys a clinical, third-person-omniscient point of view.
Undaunted by having to absorb so many new properties, Cisco kept racking up 40% annual sales growth and relying on an omniscient ability to track orders and forecast demand.
The speaker on the back of this phone is powerful enough to ensure that even those in the back seat will know exactly what the courteous and friendly omniscient navigator is telling you to do.
Mainstream journalists are neither omniscient nor omnipresent.
Unfortunately, U.S. intelligence is not omniscient.
But then you notice the shadowy purple figure seated in the background: a reflection, in the mirror, of Bonnard himself, a sort of omniscient voyeur, watching you watch his wife, whose sewing now looks more like a compulsion than a pastime.