At home, he now has a nonprofit of his own, Rebuild Foundation, with a staff of 20 and a rotating program of day camps and on-the-job training specifically targeted to others on his block.
For those who wish to go beyond on-the-job training, the emphasis should be on education that supplements and complements the job, rather than replaces it.
His on-the-job training has been as good as it gets, even if it's lasted so long.
These students must attend a Federal Aviation Administration certified school and receive long-term on-the-job training.
These are supposed to involve a year's training and then two years' on-the-job experience.
The "controlled rest" is legal and an accepted procedure in order to improve on-the-job performance and alertness.
According to the Gallup Organization, 32% of employees surveyed reported dissatisfaction with their level of on-the-job stress.
According to the most recent study, homicide accounted for 10 percent of all on-the-job deaths in America.
The middle has been hollowed out, on-the-job training is rare and good posts hard to come by.
ECONOMIST: It��s tougher than it appears for the millennial generation
By building safe failures into on-the-job experiences, the development of a high potential talent can be accelerated.
But 100 interns from the school will be working alongside the professional hotel staff to get on-the-job training and mentoring.
It overrates formal bookish education and underrates on-the-job training, as well as U.S. capital markets, dynamism and resiliency.
Or was it on-the-job training to prepare him for the kind of challenges he will one day face?
Once selected, they would attend an intensive summer school followed by on-the-job training alongside their final year of university.
It requires on-the-job, informal training that happens in hallways and break rooms as well as during conversations with customers.
Only 64% of Americans see harassment as a serious on-the-job problem, down from a high of 88% in 1992.
Ninety-two percent, or 4, 234, of all on-the-job fatalities were among men, and the remaining 8%, or 375, were women.
As an example, the authors note that most high-skill jobs require only a high-school education in conjunction with on-the-job training.
FORBES: Manufacturing Jobs Changing But No Severe Job Skills Gap In USA
If every cloud has a silver lining, then the bright side of the Great Recession may be fewer people dying from on-the-job injuries.
But increasingly, says Jenny Sutton of the Hong Kong-based RFP Company, clients are refusing to pay for junior staff's on-the-job training.
Bristol Together, which launched in 2011, has secured funding to buy 40 derelict houses and will offer on-the-job training to repair them.
On-the-job bullying can take many forms, from a supervisor's verbal abuse and threats to cruel comments or relentless teasing by a co-worker.
The position requires only moderate-term on-the-job training and entails preparing patients and dental equipment and keeping track of inventory and medical records.
Maybe not, but possibly via an advanced on-the-job training program, you could.
FORBES: Manufacturing Jobs Changing But No Severe Job Skills Gap In USA
Men suffered an on-the-job fatality rate of 5.5 per 100, 000 full-time employees, compared with only 0.6 for women, and accounted for 93% of all deaths.
One factor that the study quantifies is human-capital endowment, meaning the brainpower created by parents, formal education and training, and on-the-job learning.
Fires and explosions are responsible for just four percent of all on-the-job deaths, while contact with objects and equipment gone awry cause 16 percent.
FORBES: America's Deadliest Professions: Jobs With The Most Workplace Fatalities
The key to success then is not to provide a lot of formal training, but rather create an environment that supports rapid on-the-job learning.
Because of the critical role the intelligence community plays in protecting our nation, the director of the CIA is not a position for on-the-job training.
The screenwriter, whose next projects include a film about Steve Jobs and a musical about Harry Houdini, discussed TV, Facebook and a recent on-the-job injury.