Some 54 million Americans are currently on a diet, according to the International Food Information Council.
Imagine you are on a diet, and you are enjoying a meal at a nice restaurant.
The EU's most commonly held belief is never to put its governments on a diet.
At least, in everyday life it isn't--outside of the occasional "cheat day" on a diet.
The men survived on a diet of seals, penguins and their own sled dogs.
She eventually put me on a diet when I was very badly bullied at school.
How about when you tell yourself that you should study or you should go on a diet?
As part of a wider study, Dr Rossetti placed a number of laboratory rats on a diet.
On a diet of Ramen noodles, spaghetti and caribou meat, she had difficulty taking off the pregnancy weight.
Speaking of grey matters, I grew up on a diet of Vonnegut's books and his very weird world.
If there is a conspiracy, it is laissez faire economics on steroids, not Milton Friedman economics on a diet.
American business is on a diet, relying on smaller inventories and just-in-time delivery practices to get goods to their customers.
She has just adopted a 4-month old puppy and plans to start him off on a diet of raw food and Goldstein's care.
Food could potentially use up a lot of valuable weight too, so the sailors live exclusively on a diet of freeze-fried, vacuum-packed dinners.
And first port of call for those who had visions of living their life on a diet consisting purely of tuna and chocolate.
Will they give lip service to going on a diet and exercising and then stay on the couch and eat chips and watch TV?
Noting that Sichuan's farmers were raising 70 million pigs a year on a diet largely of grass, roots and garbage, the brothers saw an opportunity.
Doctors used treat the disorder by putting patients on a diet.
During Ramadan or Lent, for example, the observant manage to be self-denying even as they struggle to stay on a diet or hold back their temper.
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Over 70% of the women were currently trying to lose weight, and over 35% had spent over half of the last five years on a diet.
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Politically, governors and mayors find that exhorting voters to go on a diet is far easier on the stomach than, say, pushing a soda tax or junk-food ban.
The clients, many of them elderly, had done just fine for a long time on a diet of reliable corporate and municipal paper that the firm fed them.
Hopes he would make his own way back were dashed when he became ill and his subsequent recovery, on a diet of "fish milkshakes", has captured the public's imagination.
The day before, his doctor said the 75 year-old billionaire was fit for the fray, though adding that Mr Berlusconi had gone on a diet to shed eight kilos.
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When people began relying heavily on a diet of bread at such a northern latitude, they probably became chronically deficient in vitamin D, for bread is generally low in vitamin D.
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Going on an information diet with a high-end cable sports package is like trying to go on a diet while subscribing to a daily fried chicken and ice cream delivery service.
FORBES: Info Overload Isn't the Issue. Consumption is the Real Problem.
Moreover, when obese people went on a diet and lost up to a quarter of their body weight, their gut flora changed too, becoming more like those of the lean group.
An RSPCA wildlife expert explained that coatis are native to South, Central and parts of North America and are commonly found in tropical forests, living primarily on a diet of insects.
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The process creates a vicious cycle in which each time a person goes on a diet like McCotry's, she'll have to further lower her caloric intake in order to drop weight.