Today's New York Times reports that American and NATO forces in Bosnia are now on a high state of alert in light of a perceived threat from Islamic extremists still operating in Bosnia.
South Korea is currently on a high state of alert amid indications that the North is preparing for a missile test.
South Korea has put its armed forces on a high state of alert.
Nassau County Police on New York's Long Island have also their patrol officers on high alert as a precaution.
Unlike the Wildcat, with a simultaneous two-quarterback system, "you wouldn't be able to prepare for it because no one's ever seen it on film, " star cornerback Darrelle Revis said, adding that the defense would be on high alert for a trick play.
Scottish livestock producers have been put on high alert after a virus affecting cattle and sheep was detected in northern England.
BBC: Schmallenberg virus: Scottish farmers put on high alert
To an extraordinary extent -- and with good reason -- the city considers itself on permanent alert, with a high level of vigilance that is our best protection.
Interpol issued a high alert for Assange on Wednesday at the request of Sweden.
For instance, be on high alert when you have a health insurance claim to make and stay equally vigilant when you have an auto or homeowners claim.
Pakistan responded by putting its troops on high alert as the fighting built up towards a direct conflict between the two states.
Whatever happens , the internet will be on high alert, and any bill would have a long, hard uphill battle considering the popular opposition to SOPA last year.
FORBES: The Return Of SOPA? Controversial Bill Sponsor Lamar Smith To Chair House Tech Committee
With the risk of another global recession greater than it was only a couple weeks ago, the government is now on high alert.
Rumors that a Cypriot vote will be delayed by a few hours to a few days will certainly keep the EUR bulls on high alert.
Once at the Game Rangers camp, on high alert, I pitched my new home for the month: a shabby tent.
Japan's Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera said his nation was on "high alert", with anti-missile defences deployed in Tokyo as a precaution.
New York has been on "orange" alert, or the second-highest level -- indicating a high risk of terror attack -- since the color-coded warning system was established after the September 11, 2001 attacks.
As a result, it is safe to say that traders are likely to remain on high alert for any and all economic news from April and beyond.
FORBES: The Jobs Report Is NOT Pushing the Markets Higher Today
"There is a state of anger on the streets of Port Said, and the security forces are on high alert, " Nile TV reported.
Dera Ismail Khan was put on high alert Monday, with police checking vehicles leaving and entering the city, said Gul Afzal Afridi, a senior police officer.