Many were on a par with the more academic independent schools, without the price tag.
Is a Russian in Mayfair on a par with a Pakistani in the Midlands?
That would be a drop on a par with the 1930s and far below most forecasts.
That technology, he claimed, could potentially help Ivanhoe achieve a market value on a par with Google.
Hard to envision, but South Beach is on a par with such locales as Detroit and Toledo.
Or should it be the newest of the big, on a par with Germany, France and Britain?
And no one disputes that West Bengal has suffered deindustrialisation on a par with the likes of Detroit.
With deposits almost on a par with loans, Malaysia's banks may be forced to borrow overseas, Rountree says.
Moody's has cut Spanish sovereign debt to just a notch above junk status, on a par with Azerbaijan.
Neither of these cases, of course, had outcomes remotely on a par with the tragedy of Aaron Swartz.
FORBES: A Bit Of The Future Was Lost With The Tragic Death Of Aaron Swartz
It also provides analysis of the raw data, which will be on a par with anything available privately.
Farmland is being treated as a strategic asset on a par with oil.
ECONOMIST: First they went for the currency, now for the land
Its default rate hovers around 5%, on a par with banks, says Breslow.
FORBES: Need A Business Loan? Impress The Algorithm, Not The Loan Officer
During the past 40 years, Milan has become a fashion capital on a par with Paris and New York.
No fewer than 64 CPPCC delegates argued that such firms should be put on a par with their state-owned counterparts.
This time round they will be and it'll be a one-off on a par with Wimbledon or, say, the Superbowl.
Good news for Entergy-Koch, which has an A bond rating--about on a par with that of a typical big-city bank.
In developed countries today many women receive educations and earn salaries that are on a par with those of men.
FORBES: Warning Bell for Developed Countries: Declining Birth Rates
Bringing these taxes up to the same levels would allow us to have public transport on a par with these countries.
The AFL is expected to draw less than 2% of households, on a par with the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
That is on a par with crisis-hit Greece, Ireland and Portugal, and far higher than in any other big rich economy.
The product offensive could transform the automaker from a niche player to something more on a par with its German rivals.
It vanished in countries such as Norway and Sweden, where the sexes are more or less on a par with one another.
Alvarez-Machaina, the court said the claims must involve specific violations of international law on a par with piracy and attacks on ambassadors.
FORBES: Supreme Court Mulls Affirmative Action, Class Actions In Fall Docket
Despite the company's demise, Polaroid's name retained remarkable strength, on a par with Nike's and Disney's, according to a 2003 market research study.
These destination items are responsible for roughly 80 cents out of every dollar spent at Casey's, on a par with most convenience stores.
Britain's financial supervisory authority changed the rules concerning indirect cash-settled options stakes earlier this month, requiring disclosure on a par with direct stakes.
He also said the board's view would would not be "on a par with somebody on the number 24 bus or a taxi driver".
By striking two noughts off all banknotes and coins, this would put the new yen on a par with the dollar and the euro.
Now the talk is of a grander design, with the Obama administration hoping to put development aid on a par with defence and diplomacy.