The pricing for debt is set on an individual basis between the borrower and lender.
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Should further opportunities for funding arise, producers will be informed accordingly and on an individual basis.
Each must decide on an individual basis how much risk he or she is comfortable taking on.
Otherwise, she would have announced that Yahoo is going to re-evaluate the work-at-home folks on an individual basis.
The government should look at each school on an individual basis, she said.
However these had to be negotiated on an individual basis and were cumbersome.
Special programs have formula penalties which may be lower or higher than the IRS would assess on an individual basis.
Formula penalties in a special program may be lower or higher than the IRS would assess on an individual basis.
Unlike all of the other major European leagues, Spanish teams are allowed to sell their broadcast rights on an individual basis.
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"Countries which choose a different date on an individual basis merely render this objective more difficult to attain, " the statement said.
Scientists are on the verge of enabling us to attack diseases almost on an individual basis, thanks to molecular and genetic research breakthroughs.
The giant retailer argues that it is impossible to defend the case, since promotion and dismissal decisions are made on an individual basis.
It will have to carefully consider every aspect of every case on an individual basis before it decides to reject a takeover after this.
So far, though, the United States has asked Nato countries for help on an individual basis and not requested aid from the alliance as a bloc.
"I don't think there's any question that many of those cancers were overtreated, " said Brooks, who stressed that there is no way to know on an individual basis.
It never hurts to ask your colleagues for their input on how they might like to see the meetings structured, although I would do this on an individual basis.
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Libby Dowling, care advisor at Diabetes UK, said decisions on self-monitoring must be made on an individual basis and patients must be educated on what to do with the results.
Class-action bans do that by preventing large numbers of people from suing, and making it harder for those who can file on an individual basis to recover for their injuries.
However, local residents can be assured that police will be putting in place arrangements for access to homes and agricultural land on an individual basis for those who will be directly affected.
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Also each member of Lloyds board is meeting with Mr Horta-Osorio on an individual basis, to hear from Mr Horta-Osorio why he thinks that he collapsed, and what lessons he has learned.
He said the company's terms and conditions said customers could claim back some of their line rental charge if coverage was down for three days or more, but compensation claims would be dealt with on an individual basis.
In addition, two easy-to-use and reliable online tools for energy optimization and solar power generation will offer users a great overview of where, how, and how much energy can be saved or even generated on an individual basis.
Realistically, client ratings are not as critical on an individual trip basis as driver ratings are.
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Maybe they will get it, the pain will be severe on an individual stock basis if they do not.
Among these streams of info is access to a chronological list of user activities, GPS data, and the amount of NikeFuel earned both in total and on an individual activity basis.
Companies can match up to a certain total amount per year or perhaps provide unlimited matching, but the best corporate giving programs can change the matching on an individual campaign basis.
The majority of MPs (80 to 85%) would continue to be elected on an individual constituency basis, with the remainder elected on a corrective top-up basis which would significantly reduce the disproportionality and the geographical divisiveness which are inherent in FPTP.
On an individual and organizational basis, people need to ask themselves, when was the last time they did something to spark their interest?
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