He added he was surprised he had been given a firearm to go on guard duty.
Other officers on guard looked like they were trying hard not to pass out from the heat.
Lord Condon knows his battle is continuing, and that he and his staff must always be on guard.
But we are not on guard against deflation, whereby the intrinsic value of money goes up--the opposite of inflation.
U.S. and coalition forces were already on guard against an expected Taliban spring offensive even before bin Laden's death, Campbell added.
Crises tend to come from places you are not on guard against.
They were right about this, and a whole generation of free-market intellectuals has been on guard against the threat of inflation ever since.
The financial industry remains on guard in anticipation of the release of the U.S. Treasury's bank stress test assumptions planned for later today.
Visitors should stay alert and on guard in public places since pickpocketing, robberies, carjackings, assaults and ATM scamming are common in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.
Ridge said he's dedicated to protecting the civil rights of citizens, but emphasized that everyone must be on guard for any future terrorist attacks.
They want people to stay on guard for years to come and be understanding of the security precautions that may become permanent in public places.
The nerve helps speed up the heart when it is necessary to be on guard and to calm the system down when we feel safe.
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You end up constantly on guard, with your adrenaline pumping to the fight or flight responders in your brain, leaving your best intellectual power untapped and unavailable.
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This Christmas policemen were supposedly on guard at the cemetery.
And Middleton has been on guard, carefully placing each step.
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Obviously Australia will have to be ready to pounce on their wilting opponent and with the street fighting instincts of the Australian captain bubbling with anticipation, England will have to be on guard.
Shanghai is also on guard against bird flu in the real world: Signs in apartment compounds warn residents to watch out for the high fevers, breathing difficulties and other symptoms of the virus.
China's central bank Gov. Zhou Xiaochuan said last month that he is on guard against inflation and that monetary policy is now "neutral, " after a slightly easy policy stance in the past year.
Still his father said nothing, his eyes fixed on the view like a soldier on guard duty, determined not to miss the signal flare sent up by a savage tribe on a distant hill.
Crown Princess Mette-Marit, for instance, moved freely among mourners at a gathering in the home town of her step-brother, Trond Berntsen, who was on guard at the Labour Party youth camp on Utoya island and one of the first to be killed.
He said he is now constantly on his guard on a night out.
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His personal archive of documents will be packed up and, at 20:00 (19:00 GMT) on Thursday, the Swiss Guard on duty at his Castel Gandolfo residence will be dismissed, to be replaced by Vatican police.
But she warned members of the public to be on their guard against the virus.
By the same token, they put us on our guard, turn us into members of the jury.