John Taylor, 43, of Dartmouth Road, Cannock, was injured on the A5 in the town on Saturday morning.
Plans to consider closing Dover Castle on week days in the winter have triggered fears of a knock-on effect on businesses in the town.
Crude oil prices slashed earlier losses Thursday afternoon, following reports that Saudi police opened fire on protestors in the town of Qatif on the Persian Gulf, according to
The founder of the High Street chain, Richard Tompkins, was on holiday in the Greek town when he settled on the plan for catalogue shops.
However, police do not believe a blast bomb attack on a house on the Antrim Road in the town is linked to the other incidents.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Patrols increased after attacks
Geoffrey Gill, 55, from Leyland, lost control of the vehicle on a bend in the town and crashed into a house on Longmeanygate at 00:20 BST on Friday.
On-street charges were introduced on Sundays in the town in January, although they have been in place at council-run car parks for several years.
At that time there were a spate of similar sectarian pipe bomb attacks on houses in the town, and the RUC increased their surveillance and 'stop-and-search' operations in the town to try to deal with the rise in sectarian incidents.
In the wake of a surprise attack by Filipino revolutionaries on American troops in the town of Balangiga, which had killed forty-eight of seventy-four members of an American Army company, Waller and his forces were deployed on a search-and-destroy mission across the island.
The incident happened on Monday in the coastal town of Arraial do Cabo, 150km (93 miles) east of Rio de Janeiro.
The course begins on Main Street in the town of Hopkinton and finishes near Copley Square in Boston's Back Bay neighborhood.
WSJ: Nation's Oldest Marathon, and a Local Holiday Tradition
Mega Event Catalonia 2011 (8 to 9 October): On the water in the beautiful town of Calella, in Catalonia, Spain, several geocaching activities are being planned.
The acid attack on the sisters took place in the town of Kandhla in Shamli district in western Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday evening.
BBC: India acid: Four sisters injured in Uttar Pradesh attack
John Griffiths AM, visiting Mbale, said this was one of the first "on the ground" schemes of this kind in the town on Mbale in Uganda.
Mr Villanueva, a columnist for the Asian Start Express Balita community newspaper, was found shot dead on the night of February 28 on a road in the town of Naic.
It was, and remains, on Coyote Hill Road, in Palo Alto, nestled in the foothills on the edge of town, in a long, low concrete building, with enormous terraces looking out over the jewels of Silicon Valley.
The agreement in January on the West Bank town of Hebron and, even more, the accompanying pledge by Israel to withdraw in stages from other (unspecified) parts of the West Bank locked Mr Netanyahu into the process.
The Constituent Assembly began its work on Thursday morning in the town of Montecristi, nearly two months after it was elected.
Officers from the Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit found the goods after stopping a van on Marton Road in the town.
She has posted many updates to her nearly 30, 000 Twitter followers about a spate of self-immolations by protesting Tibetans, including the two latest which reportedly occurred on August 13th in the town of Aba in Sichuan.
ECONOMIST: A Tibetan blogger dares to challenge the party line
True to our seat-of-the-pants form back in those days, Charlie and I met at 11:30 at night on the vacant main street in the town of Hancock, NY, with no motel reservations.
Gravesend was also the location for the warmest October temperature ever, when 29.9C (85.8F) was recorded on 1 October, beating the previous record of 29.4C (84.9F) in the Cambridgeshire town of March on the same day in 1985.
BBC: 2011 is UK's second warmest year on record - Met Office
"Dozens of employees" working for the state oil company were also killed in the assault on the town, it added without giving details.
The range for one of them, located at a technical college on Bridge Street in the town, was 5km, the court heard.
The bank announced on Thursday it was closing its fraud and telephone operations from its site on Southchurch Avenue in the town.
The ban on drilling in the Tompkins County town of Dryden was originally challenged by Denver-based Anschutz Exploration Corp.
In another incident, six suicide bombers died in an attack on a police station in the town of Bannu.
Downing, 24, who grew up on the Pallister Park estate in the town, admitted the proud honour was slightly tainted by the manner of the loss.