Leasing companies had raised concerns about their inability to repossess the planes, saying it would hurt future plans by airlines in India to take planes on lease.
Instead of chasing after retailers using the old standby of return on assets, consider a variation: Go for companies whose ROA measures will remain unscathed if and when rulemakers lower the boom on lease accounting.
The decision of whether to lease or buy requires careful consideration and often depends on the lease terms.
The CPA who represented the taxpayers in the examination should have filed a protective claim of refund for tax paid on the lease receipts, but by the time I got involved in the matter the statute of limitations on filing such a claim for refund had long since expired.
Edelman was even being sued for allegedly defaulting on the lease of a Manhattan town house.
Omega raises rents from 1.5% to 2.5% a year, depending on the lease structure.
"It was just a guy trying to hold over on a lease he wasn't entitled to, " he said.
If the lessor fails to get paid that means that the lessee has defaulted on his lease obligation.
When La Crepe went under, there was still two years on the lease, so he took it over.
Today the Pinball Hall of Fame has three years left on its lease.
Or they will insist on shorter lease terms, which will help keep the capitalised value of the lease smaller.
Reports of Kingfisher defaulting on aircraft lease payments emerged which the company denied.
As owner and landlord, you personally deduct expenses necessary to deliver on the lease agreement, including mortgage interest and depreciation.
According to Property Week, Google has a break clause on the lease for 2016, which is when its lease expires in other parts of London.
But now through these so-called paired kidney donation programs, offered by hospitals that specialize in transplantation, people who otherwise would remain ill or on dialysis are getting a new lease on life.
CNN: Massive transplant effort pairs 13 kidneys to 13 patients
But the bands were steered towards Mathew Street after Mr Jones took on the lease of the Cavern and wanted to encourage the crowds towards the club to spend their money there.
Herefordshire Council said its main focus was still on trying to agree a deal on the lease with the current operators and that a meeting had been arranged with Northern Racing for September.
Most states allow buyers to pay sales tax monthly on the lease amount instead of the full purchase price of the vehicle, so buyers avoid a giant sales-tax bill the day they drive away--quickly--in their new Maserati .
The trust said employees who wish to remain on the 47p reimbursement rate can only do so by taking a lease on a commercial scheme through the trust.
On May 20, 2004, petitioner signed a two-year lease for the period May 1, 2004 through April 30, 2006 with an option to terminate the lease on June 30, 2004, although the landlord actually allowed her to stay in the apartment until July 9, 2004.
FORBES: Manhattan Spring Costs Internet Executive Quarter Million in State and City Tax
In addition, Mr. Correa is not planning to renew the lease on the US's base in Manta used for drug surveillance flights. (The ten-year lease expires in 2009).
The fortunes of the building, located near the White House, brightened recently when the Justice Department agreed to sign a new lease and stay on another 15 years after its lease expires next year.
The building will be built on land donated to the project on a peppercorn lease.
Now, by partnering with Microsoft, Palm may have received a new lease on life.
Thanet's deputy Labour leader Alan Poole said SFP had a 199-year lease on the site.
BBC: Ramsgate residents call to 'tear up' seaside flats plan
Farm co-operatives, once a bastion of the platteland, have also gained a new lease on life.
The theatre was able to secure the lease on a second unit from King's College in 2009.
But Grand Theft Auto IV may have just given a new lease on life to the Playstation 3.
The authority said it cannot afford the refurbishment and has offered a 999-year lease on the centre in exchange.