The biggest mistake Citi and other banks made during the boom, he said, was coming to believe that investing and trading on their own account, rather than on behalf of their clients, was a basic aspect of banking.
Businesses send shrewd employees, even their children, to school on their own account all the time.
FORBES: Veterans Benefits are the Politicians' New Baby-Kissing
Some 70% of Goldman's net revenues now come from trading and investing on its own account.
ECONOMIST: American investment banks: Streets ahead of the rest | The
On her own account, Rose also wrote about how the company never quite grasped what her job entailed.
FORBES: Don't Fire An Employee And Leave Them In Charge Of The Corporate Twitter Account
Readers: have you noticed the amount of unwanted or spam-like friend requests decrease on your own account over the past month of two?
It is a conflict of interest which, outsiders argue, enables banks to make huge sums of money on their proprietary trading (dealing on their own account).
Huw van Steenis, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, says that since investment banks are now relying more on client businesses and less on trading on their own account, revenues have become more volatile.
But it is profoundly embarrassing for him that it was not till the end of 2010 that - on his own account - he began to learn of the scale of malpractice at newspapers that were his responsibility.
Even some of the better-regarded ones indulge in all sorts of market abuses, such as lending money raised on the stockmarket to the parent company rather than investing it, or speculating in the stockmarket on their own account.
Broadly, though, all banks earn money through some combination of maturity transformation (borrowing short and lending long), taking credit risk (ie, lending to people who may not pay it back) and earning fees and punting on their own account in the capital markets.
T-Mobile on its own could account for 8% to 12% of iPhone sales in the quarter.
As of this writing, Sir Mix-a-Lot has not responded on his own Twitter account.
Nearly all are small, local producers that make relatively little vodka on their own, but collectively account for millions of cases (some of it made legally, some of it not).
By her own account Sanchez has on some 20 occasions been rejected for the much-detested exit visa that for decades was required of all islanders seeking to go abroad.
Offering employees a choice of placing their payroll taxes in their own retirement account reduces dependence on the state.
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Mark Brandon, a polar oceanographer at the Open University who specialises in public understanding of science, compiled his own account of recent communication on the Arctic.
Do the rest of your college savings on the side, by investing through your own brokerage account.
Niyazov attached such importance to his own epic account of the Turkmen nation that questions on the text appeared in the national driving test.
Although Dr Duif discounts each of the conventional explanations on its own, he admits that they might, in combination, account for the Allais effect.
For the official word on the game, the New Orleans Super Bowl Committee has its own Twitter account.
One man claims to have had some fun with the tool at a New York Starbucks recently, looking at what a fellow WiFi user ordered on Amazon and then sending him a message about it from his own Facebook account.
FORBES: Facebook Responds to Firesheep WiFi Security Controversy
Even NBC's own Twitter account was posting photos from London's Olympic Stadium on Friday afternoon.
WSJ: 2012 London Olympics: Opening Ceremony a Tough Secret to Keep
The exchange said no pressure was put on Mr Murphy to resign and that he had decided to leave of his own account.
Contrast that to picks I make for my own account: I roll up my sleeves, spend days chewing on every possible factor, pore over pages of obscure trade journals, pester analyst friends on the phone, consider all the angles.
By his own account, he signed a confession while in handcuffs before being driven on to Moscow.
Instagram announced a feature on Thursday called Photos of You that lets people tag their own images with the Instagram handles of friends or anyone with an account on Instagram.
The permits stolen from the Czech registry are thought to have been transferred to an account in Estonia - one of the first countries to shut their own registry on Wednesday.
However, in the case of Damian Green, you have failed to give a full and frank account of your own state of knowledge, and refused to give a view on whether the police raid on 27 November, involving counter-terrorism police, was heavy-handed.
For those users, he recommends a system like Facebook, on which multiple users can access the same account, to varying degrees of authority, with their own unique accounts and passwords.
Make your account information as specific and professional as possible, and on your profile, link to your own blog if you have one.