On returning home from school, he would lounge against a nearby tree and watch.
On returning home, Mr Miller, who has become deeply unpopular as a result of corruption scandals, bungled health reforms and Poland's 20% unemployment rate, announced his resignation (see article).
New York will next play at the Buffalo Sabres on Saturday before returning home to face Carolina on Sunday.
On returning to their home he said she had started throwing things at him and scratched him while he held the baby.
She disappeared on Friday night while returning home from work, Indian media reported.
Children also felt they often did not get enough advice about plans for their future, especially on leaving care, returning home and family contact.
Bam said the magistrate who imposed the original bail restrictions last month had not included the prohibition on Pistorius returning to his home or a requirement that he report to a police station twice a week in the written court order he signed.
It has heard how on 7 June, after returning home from school, Raychel ate dinner but then complained of tummy pains.
They play Indiana on Friday and Toronto Sunday before returning home for their final two games of the regular season.
The 28-20 Nets will now embark on a two-game road trip with games against the Detroit Pistons and Washington Wizards before returning home to host the San Antonio Spurs on Sunday.
"I'm looking forward to returning to my CBS home on Monday nights, " the 44-year-old said in a statement.
For some, 2012 was the year not just of striking out on to new journeys, but of returning home.
Mr Reape said he had spent the day at the Cheltenham Races before returning home about 2230 GMT on Friday and going to bed.
Stcherbina, who underwent surgery as a result, is now in a Bristol hospital after returning home from France by air ambulance on Thursday.
Similar sites have been launched in South Africa, New Zealand and Australia, after people returning home complained there was nothing similar on offer there.
Lino comes up each morning between 6am and 6.30am, checks on his goats, feeding and milking them, before returning home at about 8pm or 9pm.
Surgeons in Pakistan removed a bullet from Malala's head after she was shot returning home from school in the Swat valley on 9 October.
"With the Sears deal, the value was in the fact that the assets were under-utilized, but Home Depot is returning about 24% on its invested capital, " he says.
The 30-year-old Wolves forward, who missed a sitter from two yards out at Hampden on his international debut, met up with Boyd before returning home to England after Saturday's World Cup qualifier.
Compounding the situation, the laid-off migrants are returning to their home provinces and may seek work on farms, where opportunities are rapidly drying up.
ECONOMIST: Large parts of China are suffering a winter drought
It was the end of the war and the men had been sent on what they had hoped would be their last mission before returning home.
Jamie McInally, 24, admitted attempting to murder bus driver Stephen Tierney, 30, who was returning home from a night out with a friend on 16 December 2012.
Just hours after Lee Trundle confirmed he was returning 'home' to sprinkle his magic dust on Swansea City's faltering Championship start, Cardiff City captain Joe Ledley spoke of his desire to remain at his home-town club.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, the Enterprise was returning home from the Persian Gulf when word came of the attacks.
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President Kumaratunga was speaking on national television - the first time she has done so since returning home from medical treatment in London.
It picked up again on Tuesday, when Karen and Jim Reynolds, upon returning to their home across the street from the command center, came across a man who looked like Dorner.
CNN: Renegade ex-cop Dorner died from single gunshot to head
Malala was returning home from school in the north-western Swat district on 9 October when gunmen stopped her bus and shot her in the head and the chest.
There followed a year on a fellowship at the Toronto Star in the mid-1990s, before returning home to set up a pop magazine called Blank - the highest circulating magazine of its type at the time in Northern Ireland.
Returning to the UK, the couple set up home in rural Essex on the River Crouch.
CNN: The cartoonist who kickstarted career in German POW camp
On tour in the U.S., Makeba had her passport revoked and was banned from returning home after she was featured in a documentary that criticized apartheid.