They sat above the ground on stilts, like flamingos balanced on impossibly thin legs.
"It was just a gardener's cottage built up on stilts, " says Mr. Leclercq, a technology executive.
The other would be to--historically what has happened in south Louisiana--build houses on stilts again.
Built on stilts, some of the rudimentary houses are topped by satellite dishes, but the scene still somehow feels timeless.
BBC: In Venezuela, nature��s most electrifying lightning show
The 23-year-old star was joined by performers on stilts, a White Rabbit and human puppets for the Alice in Wonderland-themed performance.
Chickens scratch around under huts that sit on stilts to guard against flooding when the river bursts its banks.
Among them were Ed and Nancy Bemis, who heard waves crashing and rolling underneath their home, which sits on stilts.
Compared with the grubby, overcrowded underground systems of London, Paris and New York, Bangkok's train on stilts is a sparkling success.
Replacing a window pane requires extensive scaffolding because the home sits on stilts, about 60 feet above the steep canyon ground.
The operator said it was looking at ways to put signalling equipment and electrics on stilts so they are not affected by flooding.
The homes were often perched on stilts at the top of a hill, overlooking a canyon, with magnificent views through curtain walls of glass.
What arbitrary rules could you start breaking, which would allow you to sidestep the competition, walk on stilts, breathe fire, and still become successful?
FORBES: Life Lessons From a Fire-Breathing, Stilt-Walking Billionaire
Stray dogs prowl the dusty streets, and a slender oil pipeline snakes alongside each major road, elevated on stilts, waist high, like an endless bannister.
There are bands, celebrities, entertainers on stilts, jugglers, comedians and dancers.
The most amazing thing about the new station is that it's built on stilts that function more like legs that can elevate the station above snow and ice.
If a ferris wheel and a putting green on stilts can draw twice as many visitors each year as the Grand Canyon, the possibilities for Detroit should be boundless.
Everyone and every business will be in geodesic domes on stilts that are impervious to water so that from the air the new part of town will look like bubbles.
More creditably, there is much excellent acting, particularly from Greg Hicks, both as a brooding, Brutus-like Agamemnon, and as a rather sinister, sensuous Priam, who towers over everyone on stilts.
This was followed with clowns on swings or swiveling about in giant rings, acrobats suspended high above the stage, ballerinas, someone on stilts jumping rope and dancers dressed as Tarot cards.
Even before the causeway was built around 70 years ago, children were able to wade through the shallow waters of Mulroy Bay on stilts to get to school on the mainland.
Other attractions include a water discovery centre on stilts above one of seven lakes, a garden dedicated to the understanding of plant genetics and woodland containing species of trees from all over the world.
Walking through Oceaneering's warehouse full of boxy robots on stilts, Campbell says people don't realize how far these machines have to travel to monitor the oil that's gushing into the Gulf every day -- or how well-equipped they must be.
Situated on a remote and otherwise deserted island distinguished by serous limestone cliffs, Lagen has 50 private rooms, including a crescent of eight hip-roofed cottages poised on stilts in an oval of placid water that's the color of molten Coke bottles.
There are only so many small boats that can go up the Mekong to see the Pak Ou caves, with their hundreds of Buddha figures, and so many vehicles that can drive the winding roads to the remote ethnic villages, where people who have never fully integrated into Lao society live unwired, in simple wooden houses on stilts as they have for centuries.
"I'd like to see her dancing on the stilts, she knows the choreography, " said Pope, whose official title is senior vice president of event marketing.
Parts of Silwan, on the eastern slopes below the Old City, are already precariously propped up on iron stilts, to facilitate the excavation of King David's biblical city, which is said to lie beneath.
Flip through the Seattle architect's portfolio and you'll see roofs that levitate on muscular pistons, angular cabins that roll across an alpine valley on wheeled stilts and Brobdingnagian hand cranks that swivel six-ton window walls.