All but 10% eventually returned to duty, but few of them on the battlefield.
He also said in New Orleans that AK-47s belong on the battlefield, not on the streets.
Surveillance and intelligence data can be wrong, and conditions and situations on the battlefield can change.
In the past, it is theorised, they enjoyed a similar advantage on the battlefield.
Having more women on the battlefield will improve the military's ability to carry out its mission.
But I would remind you that defeats on the battlefield occur in the short run.
Congress debated fiercely over whether she and other women had any business being on the battlefield.
But if Kato lost the battle, his fight may have helped accelerate changes on the battlefield.
As a result, they had a unique capability to assess and prevail on the battlefield.
Lieutenant-Colonel Tabraiz Abbas, just in from fighting the Mehsud militants, describes finding Indian-made arms on the battlefield.
How frustrating or useful is it being a scientist on the battlefield or in a war zone?
The most obvious casualties are the formal combatants, those seeking to kill each other on the battlefield.
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If they can save lives on the battlefield, then they can save a life in an ambulance.
The U.S. military has long wanted to develop lasers it could use as weapons on the battlefield.
And they say the equality they have on the battlefield must be met with equality at home.
There is no possible way that every minute detail can be communicated to every solider on the battlefield.
Skills learned in service or honed on the battlefield are not easily translated to the regular job market.
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Learn the skills necessary to defeat opponents on the battlefield or the meeting room with Art of War.
You simply can't compare what they do from behind a desk with what others do on the battlefield.
Some have lost limbs on the battlefield, and others still battle the demons that have followed them home.
If you can save a life on the battlefield, then you can save a life in an ambulance.
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Gen Rios Montt's lawyers have argued he was not responsible for the alleged crimes "since he was never on the battlefield".
The Army is fully aware that success on the battlefield is dependent to an extraordinary degree on its sergeants.
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Egeland says the rebels are strong enough only to prove that the issues can't be resolved on the battlefield.
Under this still developing paradigm, successful asymmetrical warfare, not a direct confrontation on the battlefield, is the immediate goal.
War, covered primarily by male journalists, focuses on the battlefield and battlefield carnage.
It is a grim fact that by facing death on the battlefield, Eritrean women are forcing change at home.
His product did not win on the battlefield, and I think he may have learned something from the experience.
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Advances in lightweight, nanoscale-engineered materials will protect soldiers on the battlefield from bullets and shrapnel while giving them extreme mobility.
The Israeli military says it is to stop using artillery shells with white phosphorus to create smokescreens on the battlefield.