With such writing on the blackboard, the teachers' unions have reached deep into their pockets to fight the spectre of competition.
Cap Lavin died overnight in San Francisco and a team assistant scrawled "Do It for Cap" on the blackboard in the locker room.
After that his fellow classmates put a thing on the blackboard.
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Leuthardt drew elaborate diagrams of the spine on the blackboard.
The classic way to value businesses, which has kept many a professor sketching formulas on the blackboard, is to compute the discounted present value of their future cash payouts.
Tolkien, he reported, would write long lists of words on the blackboard, obscuring them with his body as he droned on, then would absent-mindedly erase them without turning around.
Once, he remembered, a boy in the room next door was thrown against the classroom wall, and he watched the blackboard on his side of the wall come off its hinges and fall to the wooden floor.
In those preelectronic days, his job was to post stock price changes on the firm's blackboard.
On the side of the school building sheared away by the earthquake is a green blackboard.
Finally, Mr. Berman stood up, took a fresh stick of chalk, climbed onto his chair, and reached above the blackboard to draw a horizontal line on the paint.
The answers to these questions depends on how many professors swap Blackboard for Coursekit.
Most of the stereotypical photographs of scientists studying rows of equations on a blackboard are instructors explaining discoveries already made.
She is more of an all-rounder than Estelle Morris , a former teacher who looks like a girl guide but is as tough as an old blackboard and has done a good job of taking on the teachers' unions as a minister in the Department of Education and Employment.
Unfortunately, the new more nu-anced economic theorising, that you praise, is still like the old, simpler theorising of years past it takes place on a blackboard.
On a continuing-operations basis, Blackboard expects earnings of 20 to 22 cents a share for the third quarter, while the Thomson consensus is for 22 cents.
On a continuing-operations basis, Blackboard expects earnings of 20 cents to 22 cents per share for the third quarter.
The Northeastern student even believes he can get the cost of materials below that of a standard whiteboard or blackboard, but only time will tell on that one.