For example, Erwin Stoff is listed as an executive producer on The Blind Side.
Thomas himself is looking forward to packing down on the blind-side on Friday night, as Wales seek to derail France's Grand Slam quest.
Shaw, 36, replaces Louis Deacon in the second row while fellow Wasp Joe Worsley is named on the blind-side flank in place of Tom Croft.
But following the Robinson row, Labour conceded that cash donated by the former minister to general party funds might have been passed on to the blind trust.
You can let me narrow things down by genre or keywords, and you can collect data on how much I read of a first chapter, or how fast I move on to the next blind date, to see just how well I get on with any given book so that you can tailor the next blind date to my evolving preferences.
Near the front gate was a field, boxed in on three sides by hills and scrub, and by a hunting blind on the fourth.
He has broken records for the fastest blind man on land and water and is also captain of the England Blind Football Team.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Blind pilot lands safely
Mr Cunningham has broken records for the fastest blind man on land and water and is also captain of the England Blind Football Team.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Oxfordshire | Blind pilot on target for record
Adelson, who separated from Sandra in 1988, met Miriam Ochshorn on a blind date the following year.
While she passed the extensive blind tastings and written exams on the first try, it took four attempts and a performance coach go get her through the final service exam.
Whilst doing so, we should recognise the critical role of organisations working with and on behalf of blind people, such as the Royal National Institute of the Blind here in the UK, whose support and resource base is crucial to making this old invention come alive in imaginatively new ways.
Mark Riccobono, the first blind driver who drove our vehicle on the Daytona International Speedway, is a better driver than I am -- at least with this vehicle.
The toughest mountain on the list, the fang-like 1, 224m-high Federation Peak in Southwest National Park, requires the blind courage (but not the equipment) of a mountaineer, with the summit reached on an exposed near-vertical rock climb.
But I think, you know, "SNL" has had a blind spot on the issue of racial comedy and comedians for years.
There are also areas where even economists seem to develop something of a blind spot on the point, health care being one of the more obvious such.
Bruised by its invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and concentrating on the threat of religious extremism, the West is often blind to the many forms of Islam practised in the Middle East.
If one can believe that we will have fully autonomous, driverless cars in the future, which many people do, then there is absolutely no reason why one should doubt the possibility of a car driven by the blind safely on public roads.
When backers pointed out on Reddit that the color-coded buttons on the console's controller were no good for color-blind players, Ouya replaced them, making the four buttons correspond with the O, U, Y and A in its name.
Layoffs would slow and consumption resume if the Fed sped its asset purchases and Washington stopped imposing arbitrarily low prices on equity holders and regulatory capital in the blind assumption that crisis markets are accurately priced.
Based on response to the linked story on TechDirt, Google has resolved the case, but not before revealing a blind spot in its automation.
FORBES: Google AdSense Bots Gone Wild: Author In Violation For Torrenting His Own Book!
The National Federation of the Blind also criticized the skit, calling it "absolutely wrong" and an attack on all blind Americans.
CNN: 'Saturday Night Live' not funny, says N.Y. Gov. Paterson
They have delivered speeches on the need for a judicial system blind to rank and wealth.
Farrell came on for the last 21 minutes at blind-side flanker but could do little to stem the tide as the Blues went back to the top of the group B table as the only side with two wins out of two.
BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | My Club | Saracens | Saracens 29-40 Blues
With help from signals from roadside markers and traffic lights, in-car computers will be able to determine if a car should slam on the brakes, alert the driver to a passing vehicle in the blind spot or slow for a red light up ahead that another driver isn't heeding.
What his teams accomplished on the field is impressive, but no one can turn a blind eye to the failed leadership he exhibited off the field.
Certainly popular today, especially among young gun buyers more familiar perhaps with Call of Duty than the deer blind, an all-out ban on modern sporting rifles could dent the industry.
And here's the crazy thing: Gaither hasn't just been fantastic in the key role of protecting quarterback Philip Rivers on his blind side, San Diego has won three straight games since he arrived (after losing the previous six) and are now in contention to win their division and host a playoff game.
The Euro-secularists are usually blind to the other big influence of religion on American foreign policy.
"The Obama administration appears to have a blind spot when it comes to the war on terrorism, " she said.
Unfortunately, the online gamer community has reacted so violently to day-one-DLC that just the whiff of a developer working on extra content before the game has finished has forums exploding in blind fanboy rage.