On the third day, Joseph will find himself in Tororo on the border of Kenya and Uganda.
Four tribespeople have died in violence on the border of the north-eastern Indian states of Assam and Meghalaya.
At the cemetery on the border of Brooklyn and Queens where Robinson is buried, admirers still leave baseballs and other mementos.
He was posted to the eastern front with the Russian troops in Valk, now on the border of Estonia and Latvia.
The bullfrog colony, at an undisclosed site on the border of Kent and East Sussex, has been known about for some time.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Lethal amphibian fungus 'in UK'
He said they started from the club's base at Gransden Lodge Airfield on the border of Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire at 13:40 BST.
By the 1860s, this incredible natural wonder, located on the border of New York state and Canada, had been given over almost entirely to energy interests.
Lake Chad sits on the border of the Sahel, a grassland which divides the Sahara Desert to the north and the more humid savannah to the south.
An undulating series of verdant falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil, Iguazu Falls almost puts Niagara to shame, though it has less water running through it.
Marven Gardens, located on the border of Margate and Ventnor City, is an interesting and affluent neighbourhood of historic houses with architecture dating back to the 1920s and '30s.
The battered truck was left in the middle of a narrow road on the border of Helmand and Kandahar provinces for several days after insurgents opened fire on it.
For 2013 and future years, the client is on the border of receiving a substantial credit in the state of Michigan that they may lose out on due to the increased income.
On the border of Spain, with the great spiky Pyrenees mountain range as backdrop, the Midi-Pyrenees is an area characterized by magnificent architecture, medieval villages, river valleys, rolling farmlands, and food that is fabulous as only the French can deliver.
County Fermanagh is one of the six counties of Northern Ireland and lies on the border with the Republic of Ireland.
It also will increase the number of immigration officials working in Mexico, double the number of "violent criminal alien" teams on the border, strengthen the presence of border canine units and quadruple the number of border liaison officers working with Mexican law enforcement.
Kyrgyzstan is a small nation of 4.5 million on the western border of China.
CNN: AllPolitics - Hillary Clinton Travels Through Former Soviet Republics
Indeed, the problem of contamination on the Ecuadorian side of the border, resulting from this fumigation has been an ongoing one which will require some sort of solution.
But the MPs found much evidence was anecdotal and now recommends harder evidence is gathered about the economic effects of the toll on both sides of the border.
BBC: Welsh MPs suggest ?1.50 Severn Crossings tolls for cars
Median house prices around Lake Tahoe, a ski area on the eastern border of California, have risen 60% in the past year.
ECONOMIST: The California housing market: Squeezed out | The
Many crossed the border, but a significant number opted to camp on the Syrian side of the border - preferring to remain on Syrian soil as long as possible.
India's media said Sarabjit Singh's death had highlighted the plight of prisoners "caught on the wrong side of the border".
As we approached the first of two military checkpoints on the Mexican side of the border I saw a massive Modelo Especial billboard.
FORBES: Political Risk Analysis: Guatemala and Mexico's OTHER Border
Yet, ironically for a government that has often run into trouble with American officials for enforcing drug laws too weakly, Mexico continues to stand firm on peyote, preventing any harvesting or possession of the cactus on its side of the border.
Monday's explosion happened in the area of the Cilvegozu customs post on the Turkish side of the border, in the southern province of Hatay.
It was perceived as a way, at least by some analysts here, of applying pressure against the Americans and the Iraqi Kurds who rule northern Iraq to take some action against the PKK, which has operated for years out of mountain bases on the Iraqi side of the border.
It's hard to see the Hume solution - joint referenda on both sides of the border on a deal, institutions at Stormont with safeguards for the minority, an acceptance of the principle of consent, and a promise of future referenda if the numbers game changes - being bettered.
Hoot's family fled fighting in Aleppo, Syria's largest city, like many of the more than 6, 000 people living in this rain-soaked camp, erected in a border customs compound on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey.
CNN: Syrian refugees on run: 'I want people to feel our pain'
On the other side of the border, Iraqi Kurds have embarked on a construction binge to transform their region - with most of the work done by Turkish companies employing tens of thousand of Turkish workers.
The issue of illegal migration, and the treatment of Mexicans on the border, is a source of abiding tension between the US and Mexico.
They had gathered for a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the birth of a new jointly run industrial complex, on the northern side of the border.