Back on the building site, Pedro Guimaraes says he wants to return to Portugal as soon as he can, but he has plenty of Portuguese friends who are planning to settle in Belgium for good, after relocating their families.
That helped convince developer Jack Basch to move his own Shiel Medical Laboratory from another building on the site into Building 77, where he expects to add another 300 to 400 jobs to his current 600-member payroll.
It is believed the earliest building on the site would have been a Saxon minster.
Gary Moore, a 30-year-old father of two from the Limavady area of County Londonderry, was murdered as he worked on a building site, on the mainly loyalist Monkstown estate.
On Wednesday afternoon, a Catholic father of two, Gary Moore, was murdered as he worked on a building site on the mainly loyalist Monkstown estate on the outskirts of north Belfast.
He allegedly constructed the eight-story building on the site of a pond without proper precautions, according to authorities.
So, briefly, the decision was to raze the old building and build a new building on the same site.
Analysts said the proposals were unlikely to run into the trouble experienced when plans for Terminal 5 were unveiled because BAA would be building on the site of existing premises.
At Friday's council meeting Sedgemoor District Council decided to sell its 60% stake of the land and enter into a development agreement with Tesco which would give it first options on building on the site.
BBC: Tesco Extra store for former Sedgemoor Splash pool site
One of the selling points for the science park, says Mr Maltes, was that a local university was meant to occupy a building on the site.
The Regional Development and Infrastructure Minister, Ramaz Nikolaishvili, who heads the construction work, recently told foreign media on a tour of the site that the building would raise the bar on Georgia's levels of visual education.
Allow further discussion on the relocation of Eglwys Newydd and Eglwys Wen Primary in to one building on the Whitchurch upper school site.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Schools shake-up passes hurdle
The airport will be built in Prosperous Bay, on the east of the island, and contractors are already on site building a temporary pontoon.
BBC: England's St Helena exiles welcome island airport project
Following the murder of Mr Kell, 30-year-old father of two, Gary Moore, from the Limavady area of County Londonderry was shot dead as he worked on a building site on the mainly loyalist Monkstown estate on the outskirts of north Belfast on Wednesday afternoon.
It will keep a steady stream of disaffected Etsy sellers moving over to the site while they work on building site traffic.
The 92-unit Snow Hill building is based on the site of a former hostel and homeless shelter.
Afterward, they can move back into accommodations housed in a building on the site of the current hotel.
They were given planning permission in 2008 for six tents but could not afford repairs to a building on the site that officials insisted on.
It wasn't on the road, but into a building site where they are building the new Nine Elms area.
The complex was designed with a taller rental tower on the northern end of the site cascading to a shorter co-op building on the south to maximize sunlight in the units.
At a meeting of the North Area Planning Committee, those opposed to Sainsbury's building its store on the site insisted the application "should be considered on its own merit" and "could not be about football".
The Sandy Hook Task Force voted unanimously late Friday to recommend to the Newtown, Connecticut, board of education to build a new school on the site of the existing building.
They include redeveloping the indoor market, and building a new shopping centre on the site of the much-maligned Taff Vale precinct.
Supermarket chain Sainsbury's has already expressed an interest in building on the old market site.
Currently just one prototype antenna has been built on the site, with building work on the rest due to commence in 2008.
Approval was also given for a new four-storey office building on the Farmeloan Road site, which used to be home to the Monogram factory.
The State Ports Authority is planning a new cruise terminal in a renovated building on the waterfront, opening the site occupied by the current aging terminal and surrounding area to redevelopment.
At a special council meeting of the Liberal Democrat cabinet, councillors agreed the secondary school would be on a temporary site in a building previously used by the Environment Agency and Defra on Burghill Road, Brentry, for one year.
The panel had narrowed a list of choices to renovating Sandy Hook Elementary School, tearing it down and constructing a new building at the same site or building a new school on nearby property.
We think there was a Roman building on or near the site of the church and bits of it got built into the church later.