Gold Coast stalwarts, Crema Espresso (27 Tedder Av) have been roasting on the coast for years.
Traditionally we set out, armed with cagoules and optimism, for a budget break on the coast.
In 1999, the Dutch scientists found 12 seal pups with breathing difficulties, stranded on the coast.
Kenyan forces have moved to occupy southern Somalia and beefed up security on the coast.
There's a lot of brownfield sites on the coast in close proximity to gas pipelines.
On the coast of Normandy overlooking the English Channel, sits the nuclear power plant at Flamanville.
Shredding and soaking towns and cities clustered on the coast, it left a wake of destruction.
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He was found on Tora beach, on the coast to the south of Wellington, on Sunday.
Housing in California is cheaper inland than on the coast, but good luck finding a job.
Kiswahili is spoken most noticeably here on the coast, reflecting a strong sense of common identity.
All Californians seem to have bumper stickers, but on the coast they are often glued to Priuses.
ECONOMIST: California is now divided more east-west than north-south
Roger Laferriere, Incident Commander for Houma, Louisiana, spoke passionately of the work being done on the coast.
If you live on the coast, on a floodplain, near a river, or on an island waterway.
Among those were vacationers who had been enjoying the last week of summer vacation on the coast.
The government talks of a national network of airports, an oil refinery on the coast and more.
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The highway covers only 170 miles between nearby Macon in central Georgia and Savannah on the coast.
On the coast, they move to tides, and in a factory town they move to an assembly line.
By 21:00 we were back on the coast, safe in a hotel a stone's throw from the beach.
Not only on the Atlantic coast now and on the Gulf coast, but now on the Pacific coast.
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Safari lodges are mostly closed, and package tourism on the coast is ruined for the rest of the year.
The walled in town with castles and fortresses is right on the coast.
We traveled on the fly: a Manhattan sublet, a tour of the Middle East, a friend's cabin on the coast.
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Raise the houses probably using the space underneath the homes as garages as they do actually right on the coast.
He has invited people he met while painting on the coast path to join him during a preview evening on 21 May.
Tiffany Turner and her husband Brady gave up their careers in teaching and insurance to open their own inn on the coast.
Portland set a record snowfall reading of 31.9 inches, the National Weather Service said, and blowing snow reduced visibility on the coast.
The UK Foreign Office has advised against travel throughout Libya -- apart for Tripoli and a number of towns on the coast.
They would like to see it flow from Baku, on the coast of Azerbaijan, west to the safe Turkish port of Ceyhan.
Thirteen of the 20 largest cities in the world, such as Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Karachi and Manila, are on the coast.
Like the climate, the downturn has been relatively mild on the coast.