She kept the alarm clock on the dresser wound, and accurate to the minute by the wireless morning and evening.
The fine, fragrant talc dusting on the dresser, the brush webbed in silver hair, the fifty-year collection of black handbags stuffed in the top of the closet- it was all too much, too much.
The faeries vanished before his eye could even register them, but the cheese stayed behind, stacked in sandwiches on the dresser and the windowsill, wedged in the light fixtures and stuck to the bulletin board with pins, piled in the sink and scattered on the floor.
The Knicks show a video on the scoreboard in which a teammate ridicules Lin as the worst dresser on the roster.
Audiences laughed with Hanks as a wisecracking cross-dresser on the early 1980s cult comedy series Bosom Buddies.
He dressed as a Roman centurion to gatecrash a Roman-style election hustings - the scene where his dresser put the uniform on was pure Monty Python.
In the City and on Wall Street, he was an impeccable dresser, besuited by English tailors.
Well, surprisingly, in spite of all this I am facing the next year with a spring in my step and a festive basketful of condoms on my dresser.
Dresser-Rand Group Inc shares are currently trading down about 3.9% on the day.
FORBES: DRC Makes Notable Cross Below Critical Moving Average
Dresser-Rand Group Inc shares are currently trading up about 1.9% on the day.
Dresser-Rand Group Inc shares are currently trading down about 2.1% on the day.
Dresser-Rand Group Inc shares are currently trading off about 3.8% on the day.
Judy and Amy objected to having the gun in the house, but Sam kept the weapon, unloaded, in his bedroom closet, with a box of shells on a nearby dresser.
The DreamScreen 100 (measuring 10.2 inches) was designed to fit perfectly on a nightstand or dresser.
ENGADGET: HP's new DreamScreens pack Pandora and Facebook into a wireless photo frame