Other tourism-related stocks in Hong Kong also fell sharply on the flu concerns, with China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Ltd.
They were already researching using Twitter to track health issues before this winter's recent outbreak but quickly changed tracks to focus on the flu.
But studying the structure of the antibody and the protein on the flu virus that it targets could make it that much more likely for a universal vaccine to be developed.
While researchers haven't developed a vaccine to fight the new swine flu, it can be treated with antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza, the same drugs used on the regular flu.
FluTracker, meanwhile, has now become one of the most popular sources of information on the swine flu.
It permanently blocks a key enzyme on the surface of the flu virus, stopping it from spreading to other cells.
The stocks run the gamut from growth to value, technology to turnarounds, and they even include a play on the avian flu.
So far this year that figure is already on the rise as the flu virus has shown up in more than half of the country with 29 states reporting high or severe flu cases this winter.
FORBES: Boston Declares Public Health Emergency; Flu Vaccines Run Dry
The flu vaccine is comprised of killed or inactivated virus (three most likely strains of flu virus based on predictions from the previous flu season).
Researchers at the University of Iowa, studying the 2009 swine flu pandemic, compared fluctuations in the use of certain phrases on Twitter with flu cases reported through the US Centre for Disease Control, which has its own sophisticated flu surveillance system.
One prominent critic, Peter Palese, of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, recalls his own work in 2005 on the reconstruction of the Spanish-flu virus.
Blame that partly on the emerging-market flu which last year hit Brazil, culminating in the January devaluation of its currency, the real, and which this year has affected Argentina.
In mice it was found to effective against strains which were resistant to the two flu antivirals currently on the market, the journal Science reported.
The CDC is advising airline crew members who have arrived from domestic and international areas affected by the swine flu to be on the lookout for ill passengers.
But if it does, all 6.4 billion people on the planet would need a flu shot--many times the current capacity of about 300 million doses annually.
For the most part, our strategy for preparing for pandemic flu focuses on the development of vaccines.
In short, I wanted to create a parents' guide to dealing with the swine flu that is based on the best science and my interviews with experts all over the country.
The bird flu outbreak is also on the front pages of many Hong Kong newspapers and it coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Sars (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) outbreak that killed at least 349 people on the mainland, triggering a global epidemic.
The actors on any number of indistinguishable cop shows are entertaining, affable, gruff or quirky, but I'd turn to "The Good Wife's" long-term development any day ... and the only reason I got hooked on it is because I spent a flu-ridden week catching up on the first two seasons.
Highland, like other councils, has been advised by the UK joint committee on vaccination and immunisation to make the flu protection available.
The CDC has 400 people tasked to work on the virus, also called the 2009 H1N1 flu, Crafton said.
Eight British schoolchildren remained in hospital in China on Monday after contracting swine flu on a trip to the country, the Foreign Office said.
Germany and Austria became the latest European countries to report swine flu on Wednesday, while the number of cases increased in the United Kingdom and Spain.
Goldstein is also waiting on the approval of FluMist, an inhalable flu vaccine the company is co-developing with MedImmune (nasdaq: MEDI - news - people ).
This is true of the flu, hepatitis and AIDS. With the avian flu, we've modeled the virus on supercomputers, and we think we understand why it binds deep in the lungs--it's not communicable--you don't cough it up.
While he hadn't logged a sick day in 10 years, Vyhnanek hadn't shared his food-preparation techniques with anyone either. (There was an assistant chef, but he only knew his way around appetizers and desserts.) One day, the odds caught up: Felled by the flu, Vyhnanek closed the restaurant on a Saturday night, leaving bills for 90 dinners on the table.
In the Protein Sciences quality control labs this week, the focus is on testing the company's traditional, seasonal flu shot -- FluBlok -- and making sure all the documents are in line should the FDA and other agencies have any questions.
CNN: King: H1N1 worries increase awareness on college campuses
China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported that the Guizhou Province's health bureau announced earlier this week that it had discovered two dozen Americans who had been within four rows of the suspected swine flu, or H1N1, case on the plane.
CNN: China releases U.S. school group quarantined over flu concerns
As well as the annual flu nasal spray, the joint committee on vaccination and immunisation has recommended that S3 girls and boys also be vaccinated against meningococcal C.
It has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience spending time with the world number one and her closest family and friends in Guadalajara, but the concerns over the flu virus have certainly put an uncomfortable edge on the past few days.