So build your business culture on the foundation of trust and take that culture to market.
The generation that worked on the foundation never saw the stained-glass windows.
Once again, back to the Fifth Splendid Truth: you can build a happy life only on the foundation of your own nature.
It may not be intended as such, but the global marketplace continues to grow on the foundation of America and other western economies.
Some who shared the photo on Facebook left messages of apology on the foundation's page after they learned it was a fraud, Cassella said.
And so our curriculum places considerable emphasis on overlaying soft skills on the foundation of hard skills that many students bring to the classroom.
We can build a great society on the foundation of democracy and capitalism, but the foundation has to be built on the bedrock of Transparency.
This position also is not noted on the foundation's tax returns.
On the foundation's website, she described her growing romance with Wiens.
From puckish humor and borderline kitsch, a great and serious notion emerges: modern Europe was built on the foundation of classical music, which, as a result, endures tenaciously there.
The United States is an increasingly digital nation where the strength and vitality of our economy, infrastructure, public safety, and national security have been built on the foundation of cyberspace.
The 2012 National Drug Control Strategy, released on April 17, builds on the foundation laid down by the Administration's previous two Strategies and serves as the Nation's blueprint for reducing drug use and its consequences.
"This is a Budget to expand prosperity and fairness for Britain's families - and it is built on the foundation of the longest period of economic stability and sustained growth in our country's history, " he told MPs.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Brown cuts basic tax rate by 2p
In addition to the creation of the eight-member Advisory Committee two members appointed by each governor, four by the memorial foundation the memorandum of understanding provides for the Port Authority to receive regular briefings on the foundation's financial plans and budgetary outlook.
It is one of the core arguments of my forthcoming book, The Courageous State, ( due out in September if I finish writing it in time) that if markets are to work properly then they must be built on the foundation of strong government that is willing to issue firm regulation that it is willing to enforce.
She participates on the board of The Brain Tumor Foundation for Children, The Fisher House Foundation, and serves on the Honorary Board for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.
Acer will aggressively yet cautiously develop data-consumption products, tablet PCs and smartphones based on the solid foundation of the main PC business.
ENGADGET: Acer's Jim Wong named Corporate President, will head new Touch Business Group
In fact, the entire Annapolis house of cards is built on the fraudulent foundation that the Palestinian faction established by Mr. Abbas' mentor, Yasser Arafat, is a reliable partner for peace and effective counterweight to Hamas, which now controls the Gaza Strip.
She is a patron on the British Forces Foundation which had organised the visit which was due to begin on Monday.
Great democracies, he believed, are built on the strong foundation of consent and human dignity.
But the court action also threatens to draw attention to fresh claims of dubious activities on the part of the foundation.
"Thatcher was a politician whose words carried big weight, " Mr. Gorbachev said Monday in a statement on the Gorbachev Foundation's website.
Building on the solid foundation provided by a coach, there are also several key actions we can take on our own.
Attempts are being made to construct a New World Order on the old foundation of Real Politick, where a momentary tactical gain outweighs long-term strategic interests.
Ronald Reagan forged a winning electoral majority on the stable foundation of what he described as a three-legged stool: fiscal discipline, traditional values and peace through strength.
This transaction occurred when a young community organizer, Barack Obama, served on the Joyce Foundation's board of directors, along with his mentor, present White House advisor Valerie Jarret.
For more information on The Posse Foundation visit
Her tutor, Francine Patterson, will translate questions between AOL users and Koko - who will be logged on at the Foundation research centre near San Francisco where she lives.
Biochemists, doctors and entomologists are all being drafted in the fight against malaria and AIDS, as Elizabeth Corcoran says in her article (see "Chutzpah Science") on the Gates Foundation.