Gao is on the front lines of the conflict between economic development and the environment.
Leaders of small island states, which are on the front lines of sea-level rise, were less enthusiastic.
But they are there, every day, on the front lines of freedom, and we are truly blessed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Awards Medal of Honor to Korean War Heroes
Those of you who are in this room obviously are on the front lines of this budget debate.
Actually stock brokers, who are on the front lines of the equities' battle with themselves, are affected unevenly.
For our Roundtable today, we'll talk to three women working on the front lines of black female body image.
As a cavalry scout, Stubbs served on the front lines of combat, an experience that left an indelible mental impact.
As a former state insurance commissioner and governor, Kathleen has been on the front lines of our health care crisis.
There are a lot of people in Washington these days claiming to be on the front lines of the war on terror.
And national service members are on the front lines of other efforts, such as the national and local response to Hurricane Sandy.
The good engineers at those companies want to go on the front lines of these galactic battles rather than in our space.
About 1, 000 of the military personnel who have served on the front lines of the war in Iraq look quite different from the rest.
Women have the opportunity to serve on the front lines of our military conflicts, and that means that they're getting paid and promoted equally.
"The people who have to wear uniforms every day are on the front lines of corporate America, " he says, with a touch of pride.
Pehaps the most immediate and effective help is coming from International nongovernmental organizations, which are on the front lines of the fight against gender-based discrimination in Guatemala.
It features a near-future scenario in which the U.S. military has developed technology that puts unmanned vehicles and robots on the front lines of battle.
It was the first test of the CDC's stockpile system -- created in World War II's aftermath -- on the front lines of America's new war.
The newly announced, radical reform of the FBI is a welcome and long overdue development that places the Bureau on the front lines of homeland security and defense.
Understand that we want soldiers on the front lines of battle to have the most up-to-date intelligence that's possible about the enemy that they face, the tactics that they use.
Not everyone can be a relief worker on the front lines of an emergency, but we can all make a difference by supporting organizations like AmeriCares that assist the survivors.
So, although Asia mostly has been spared the blight of war for nearly a generation, it is on the front lines of other threats to prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.
These young women and their legacies -- Malala, who will continue her fight, and the others, who will not -- are on the front lines of deciding what our world looks like.
Nonetheless, the rival legions of activists and advocacy groups on the front lines of the conflict each claim momentum is on their side as they convene symposiums and organize rallies to commemorate the Roe anniversary.
And certainly our men and women in uniform have been on the front lines of that effort, and many of them have borne a significant burden in the progress that we've made on that front.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
European countries are among the few developed supporters of renewing Kyoto, along with a chorus of developing nations and low-lying Pacific islands, which are on the front lines of climate change due to rising sea levels.
Let me take you on a quick tour around the world and introduce you to just a few of the people and places Circle of Blue is finding on the front lines of a global water crisis.
FORBES: World Water Day 2013: The Biggest Story of Our Lifetime is Water
As such sources are now nearly exhausted, military officers on the front lines of freedom face the prospect of being unable to help kick-start new projects or, worse yet, failing to complete some of those already underway.
Scot Gnau, chief technology officer at Teradata, said a data warehouse and good analytics can deliver information to people on the front lines of customer service and sales so they can make good decisions without giving away the store.
Yesterday I visited Code Academy and General Assembly, two well-funded startups just blocks away from each other in New York City that are on the front lines of making these skills attainable for a wide variety of people.
FORBES: Dear President Obama, Glad You Won, But Can We Fix The Voting Machines Before 2016?
As the country says goodbye to Coretta Scott King, Commentator Lester Spence reminds us she should be remembered not only for being the widow of a great civil rights leader, but also for her own work on the front lines of the freedom movement.