Shaklee was founded on the principle of living in harmony with nature in 1956.
Mr el Mahdi wants talks with the government based on the principle of a democratic, secular state.
Developed in America, the device works on the principle of sensory substitution, using one sense instead of another.
But good profits aren't always the best thing in Ricks' model, which draws on the principle of mean reversion.
He wrote six editions of An Essay on the Principle of Population.
Most of the few existing assisted-suicide laws rely on the principle of active and informed consent to a procedure that may, or will, lead to death.
The Lib Dems, denouncing this heartless assault on the principle of free (ie, taxpayer-funded) higher education for all who can benefit from it, want the policy reversed.
As the press turned against the government and public unrest grew, Lord Carrington resigned along with two of his junior ministers on the principle of ministerial mismanagement.
Our country was certainly founded on the principle of liberty.
"President Erickson and the Board of Trustees have publicly emphasized that their goal is to find solutions that rest on the principle of justice for the victims, " he said.
And look, this country was founded on the principle of grievances with government and having -- setting about a constitution that addresses a process for those grievances to be heard.
Google and Verizon made their announcement after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ended closed-door talks with service providers and internet companies to find a consensus on the principle of net neutrality.
BBC: Protesters denounce Google plan for 'two-tier internet'
They argue that many poor countries wrongly base their development strategies on the principle of comparative advantage (which holds, for instance, that tropical islands should grow bananas and pretty countries promote tourism).
But Peter Mandelson told the House of Commons on Wednesday that he had based his decision on the principle of consent and the wishes of the majority enshrined in the Good Friday Agreement.
Earlier Finance Minister Sue Essex had said there was no disagreement on the principle of the motion, and the assembly government was already committed to looking at ways of speeding up the process.
During the session, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, the IGBC will examine the recommendations of a new Report of the International Bioethics Committee on the Principle of Respect for Human Vulnerability and Personal Integrity.
The government still won the vote on the principle of its proposed reforms to Parliament, with a majority of 338 - but only after ministers ditched a vote to limit time for debating the bill.
The 12 judges based their ruling on the principle of salus populi ex supreme lex (the welfare of the people is the supreme law of any land), words perhaps more familiar to European lawyers than Pakistanis.
Although modern science has been able to prosper on the principle of specialization, it is now time to build more cooperative, better integrated approaches that can combine the progress made by each science in its own field.
The Council for Transparency promotes the consolidation of a governance model that, based on the Principle of Transparency and the Right of Access to Public Information, deepens democracy and promotes confidence in the civil service on the basis of participation and citizen control.
UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The theoretical part of the seminar on the measurement technology including the principle of a measurement survey, a plane-table method, a perpendicular survey, a traverse survey, a GPS survey, and using a total station will be conducted at the premises of the Institute of Fine Arts.
This sense of having a mandate encouraged Morales to exercise power based on the simple principle of majority rule.
The second part, on just the general principle of paying for tax cuts, is while it is interesting to behold the sudden focus on this among Republicans.
Convinced that education plays a key role in reducing conflict, prejudice, poverty and intolerance around the world, his work is based on the guiding principle of providing access for all young people to better schooling.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
This nation was built on the basis of the principle that we are stronger, not weaker, for even the most vigorous debates -- debates that have energized our politics since the inventors of America argued over our founding documents more than two centuries ago.
But the very effort to ensure the fairness of prosecutions under the Uniform Code of Military Justice depends on a principle that contributes to the protracted and confidential nature of such prosecutions: preventing command interference with the proceedings.
The fundamental that should inform and guide our policy on immigration is the principle of individual rights.
FORBES: Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Frighteningly Reveals Education's Failure
The finance and enterprise committees brought a joint motion on supporting in principle the devolution of corporation tax powers to the Northern Ireland Assembly, on 28 June 2011.
The former Scotland Yard borough commander said his plan set no numerical targets but was based on "the simple principle of zero-tolerance".
BBC: Surrey PCC Kevin Hurley in zero-tolerance policing plan
Furthermore, in practice invocation of the precautionary principle focuses attention solely on the possibility of harm, often ignoring information about the dose to which people are exposed, avoiding consideration of benefits of the agent in question and whether safer substitutes are available, and giving greater weight to studies that appear to indicate a hazard, even when these studies may be of poorer quality.
FORBES: How Activism Distorts The Assessment Of Health Risks