The WTO thus needs to decide on a strong leader from the four candidates on offer, someone who can prod the world's trade ministers to live up to the ambitions they promised at Doha.
Once an animal is in a chute, the small space where an animal is held just before it enters the ring, she said, a prod can only be used on the shoulder of a horse if the judge, contestant and owner of the animal all agree that it is needed because a horse will not leave the chute.
Some 2, 000 members converged on the Capitol on Tuesday for a rally and to prod their senators to support the measure -- causing opponents to cry foul and claim the debate was scheduled for the Legionnaires' benefit.
And the late pressure paid off as Lita pounced on to Welsh's cross to prod the ball past Waterman from close range in the 90th minute.
But given this is part of a wider campaign on the part of the U.S. Catholic Bishops to prod lapsed Catholics to return to Church, is it really the best approach?
The revamp reflects a big push to prod users to spend more time on the site and curry favor with brands hoping to be noticed by Facebook's users.
Bale dwelt on the ball, allowing Wilkinson to prod through to Jones.
But if doctors can preserve remaining insulin production in their new patients, they might someday be able to layer on other drugs that would prod the insulin-producing cells to slowly regenerate.
She would undo most if not all of the "structural" reforms that have been put in place in recent years--mayoral control, performance-based pay, charter laws and other choice schemes, reliance on entrepreneurship and market incentives, federal efforts to incentivize and prod the system to change in constructive directions, testing- and results-based accountability and more.
In a speech in Las Vegas on October 24, President Obama promised that the Federal Housing Finance Agency would prod banks to give homeowners who are under water with their Fannie and Freddie mortgages an opportunity to refinance.
FORBES: Six Ideas to Revive Housing that Congress Might Actually Support
White House officials say the president wants his executive action to prod Republican leaders into taking action on pending gun control legislation.
They prod members of Congress to vote with the president, but often not on the power of the ideal.
Gavin Melaugh flicked on from a Scates cross and Kelbie, despite failing to control the ball, managed to prod it past keeper Philip Matthews.
Ariads scientists will try to prod the gene into producing more or less bone formation protein, switching the gene on and off.
Whether or not governments in Africa or elsewhere manage to prod or force Mauritania back towards electoral democracy, its army looks likely to go on running the show, in civilian garb or behind the scenes.