Munster says the bottom line is that for Apple shares to work, investors need something to look forward to on the product side.
And we must tackle the really tough regulatory issues so a product approved on one side of the Atlantic can immediately enter the market on the other.
On the other side of the sell-it spectrum is the product that sells itself, the iPad.
Economies of networking arise on the demand side of the market, when consumers buy a product in groups rather as individual units, the larger the number of consumers joining the group, the greater the benefit for each consumer.
Once again, McPherson's approach differs: "I'm always going to err on the side of caution with product integration, " he says of the critically scorned tactic of grabbing ad dollars.
The product placement here is way on the other side of the spectrum.
FORBES: IPad, Product Placement Star Of ABC's "Modern Family" Even Before Launch
On the other side of the fence, TBG will be led by Senior Vice President (Product Group) Dr. Peter Hortensius to better establish the business-friendly Think brand in the consumer market, as well as continuing to stay ahead of the game in the global commercial business.
ENGADGET: Lenovo to split into Lenovo Business Group and Think Business Group, effective in April
"We are betting big on the cloud with our most successful product, and we are investing heavily both in the product engineering side and the physical infrastructure side, " Tim O'Brien, Microsoft's senior director of platform strategy, said last year when the company first unveiled a Web-based version of its Office software.
Amazon now sells ads that show up to the side of product search results on its website.
This means that economies of networking arise on the demand side of the market, as a result of the strengthening of the consumer bargaining power with product sellers.
On the side they consulted for British utilities and supermarkets, predicting product and electricity demand.
On the supply side, producers can start by selling their superior new product at a loss: if it really is superior, the market will adopt it and move across.
Because it's a Brazilian product I'm sure it'll be supported on the Brazilian side.
CNN: Can 'sugar seats' bring sweet taste of success to Brazil?
This is a product, though, of months of work in committees on the House and Senate side.
On the creative side, easy upload paths give musicians and filmmakers alternatives to the rigid product limitations of the iTunes store, Spotify and their feeder services like CD Baby and TuneCore.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Legal torrent sites are innovators of media consumption
Reading the reports, that opinion is going to be solidified and making it that bit harder to sell a Microsoft branded product, especially one that is one hundred percent Microsoft on both the software and hardware side of things.
FORBES: Microsoft's PR Team Misfires As The Surface Pro Launches