Kim Kirchen of Luxembourg finished third on the stage and moved up to seventh overall.
He was a neurologist, more successful in his profession than the mother was on the stage.
When he stepped on the stage in this mammoth arena, he took a calculated risk.
"We had a space on the stage for someone just like him, " Kane says.
Even so, Lynn said she didn't always aspire to a life on the stage.
On the stage, listening and smiling, was Owen Smith, knowing it would be his turn next.
Daughter of a well-known tragedian, Priscilla Cooper had gone on the stage herself at 17.
Master that emotion and he can still be one of the great men on the stage.
Often he was kept, crouching or standing, in a small cage on the stage.
Show that he was as complex as a Shakespearean character he portrayed on the stage.
Armstrong then slams his guitar on the stage, shredding it and tossing its remnants into the crowd.
As those of you here on the stage know, military children endure many unique challenges and stresses.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks of Dr. Jill Biden at the OJJDP National Conference
When you walked on the stage for the first time, and I mean the stage of gospel music...
It's not just the people on the stage, it's all the background people as well that are involved.
She's not interested in second fiddle and doesn't want to have to fight to be on the stage.
CNN: Commentary: Forget an Obama-Clinton or Clinton-Obama ticket
Women in Mexico when he would perform would take their dresses off and throw them on the stage.
Mr Obama's surprise appearance on the stage to embrace his running mate sent the hall into predictable paroxysms.
ECONOMIST: The Democratic National Convention: Ready on the left | The
It was a National Organization for Women event, after all, and Quinn was the only woman on the stage.
You might just fulfill them with slightly different products based on the stage of maturity that businesses are running.
To sit with him and together see the man commanding on the stage.
That lawn is tapered so that when you're performing on the stage you can look everyone in the eyeballs.
If all sexism is wrong, then there isn't an exemption on the stage.
But Dr Ruzicka is realistic about the vagaries of life on the stage.
Bloom first performed before an audience on the stage of the Marlowe Theatre in Canterbury at the age of four.
Only then did I finally meet the sun, which I sought so tearfully on the stage of a foreign country.
Boris Johnson , journalist and now prospective Conservative MP was speaking on the stage of the Pavilion Theatre in Bournemouth.
Whereas if you're sitting in a balcony watching it on the stage, you're saying, 'So, is this funny or not?
The ability to relocate depends largely on the stage of production that the film is at when the trouble strikes.
ECONOMIST: Filming overseas: Relocation, relocation, relocation | The
It's very hard to deliver that kind of an attack when you are standing next to your opponent on the stage.