Receptors are protein molecules that sit on the surface of cells in the nose.
One side is attracted to negatively charged molecules on the surface of bacterial membranes.
We now have the ability to put remote control cameras on the surface of Mars.
Ultraviolet light could kill anthrax on the surface of items, but not inside envelopes or packages.
The result is a thin reflective layer that floats on the surface of the oil.
Abdulkadir's DNA was found on the surface of a Belgian automatic pistol, the jury heard.
But both discovered suggestive evidence that water might have once flowed on the surface of the planet.
THEY'RE VERY pretty scattered over a salad or floating on the surface of a chilled spring soup.
The protein on the surface of the virus, called gp120, constantly mutates to escape detection by antibodies.
Evidence was given that Mr Abdulkadir's DNA was found on the surface of a Belgian automatic pistol.
PD-1 "receptors" sit on the surface of immune-system cells when they're activated and on the hunt for enemies.
"We believe that beyond the prize, there's actually ongoing commerce on the surface of the moon, " he reveals.
But bacteria on the surface of cuts of frozen beef are almost always killed by cooking, she said.
The water on the surface of the pool rippled and the same breeze caused the aspen leaves to tremble.
While high profile activities continue on the surface of Mars, other research is digging a little deeper.
ENGADGET: Alt-week 3.9.13: Sunstones, knotted vortices and a zero-g robot
The rover, after traveling for more than eight months, safely landed on the surface of Mars before 2 a.m.
Faslodex works by inhibiting the estrogen receptors on the surface of cancer cells.
And we had never landed - soft-landed an object on the surface of Mars, and there was no textbook.
One key contribution would be the landing system that places the rover on the surface of the Red Planet.
The STRIVA Core's Wi-Fi engine and microprocessor components are small enough to nest on the surface of a U.S. dime.
But a state highway spokesman says they were only working on the surface of the road, not the underlying structure.
X1 also could provide a robotic power boost to astronauts as they work on the surface of distant planetary bodies.
ENGADGET: NASA and IHMC building X1 exoskeleton to give us a lift, keep us fit in space and on Earth
Group narcissism takes over, as Generation-i falls in love with its own image reflected on the surface of the cybersphere.
It permanently blocks a key enzyme on the surface of the flu virus, stopping it from spreading to other cells.
This matters because the atoms on the surface of a material are generally more reactive than those at its centre.
In 1987 Biogen and Harvard University scientists were experimenting with a receptor called CD-2, situated on the surface of T cells.
As we speak, two remarkable robots are hard at work more than 30 million miles away on the surface of Mars.
Instead, scientists believe that it "recruits" another natural protein, PrP, which sits on the surface of brain cells, to become like it.
Neural implants, also called brain implants, are medical devices designed to be placed under the skull, on the surface of the brain.
Discovery of volcanic ice flows and melting of ice on the surface of Europa that support the premise of liquid oceans underneath.