"Our design goal would be to make the astronauts, when they're doing geology, look like a geologist on the surface of the Earth, " Lutz says.
But chip makers are having trouble making more precise beams, and the Global Positioning System, which allows people to locate themselves to within a few metres on the surface of the earth, is limited by the performance of its atomic clocks.
ECONOMIST: A new way has been devised to make a peculiar form of matter
On the issue of storms affecting more of the earth's surface, the worriers are, according to the models, just plain wrong.
He has reported as the space vehicle Pathfinder arrived on Mars and beamed live video of the planet's surface back to earth.
Smos aims to see steps of about 4% on this range across 50km-wide segments of the Earth's surface.
These organisms, which have fundamentally different metabolisms to normal microbes, are found in hydrothermal vents on the deep-ocean floor and in rocks and springs hundreds of metres below the surface of the Earth.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Antarctica's resources 'at risk'
Although the details are not well understood, it seems likely that, in response to tectonic pressures originating in the Atlantic (where the surface of the Earth is being pulled apart), those softer rocks on either side are disturbed.
As we were leaving the museum through the Rose Center for Earth and Space, past stunning images of the Apollo astronauts working on the surface of the moon, I asked her, for the record, why she'd never felt the urge to visit before.
Some have even suggested the loose rock regolith on the surface of the moon or Mars as a growing medium, although additional minerals would need to be brought from Earth.
Its texture and chemistry set it apart from all previous objects picked up off the surface of Earth but known to originate on the Red Planet.
He plays Sam, an astronaut who is nearing the end of a three-year stint on the lunar surface, where he manages the mining of Helium-3, a precious substance that will save the planet Earth.
Here on the Earth's surface we live at the bottom of a gravity well.
Its mass is also miniscule, so that the gravitational pull on its surface is just 6% of that on Earth.
But if a rover on the Martian surface wants to send a file back to earth, this is an inefficient way of doing it.
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Rather than a handful of men working in close confines about 90m underground, at a site like Tower there are some of the largest earth movers in the UK digging a hole 180m on the surface.
It recommended using geometric lines of latitude and longitude to convey a three-dimensional Earth on a two-dimensional surface, and it included the co-ordinates of over 8, 000 locations in the ancient world.
This is a special type of Earth model which traces its idealised "horizontal" surface - the plane on which, at any point, the pull of gravity is perpendicular to it.
Coral reefs are home to 25 percent of the world's marine fish species, and cover 1 percent of the Earth's surface, making them the largest single living structure on Earth.
It is extremely rare on earth as it is created during very active nuclear reactions, most commonly found on the surface of the sun, but here can only be found as a by-product of the maintenance of nuclear weapons.
Solar energy can, of course, be gathered on Earth, but only about half of the sun's radiation ever makes it to the Earth's surface--the rest is either absorbed by the atmosphere or reflected back by clouds.