Any prospective new chief executive would be recruited on the understanding that the plan will be implemented.
Bank of America, for one, offers loans to companies on the understanding that other investment-banking mandates will follow.
Recordings were carried out on the understanding that they would only be made public once interviewees had died.
For 200 years, the chamber has operated on the understanding that any rule-change requires the vote of two-thirds of its members.
"Russia's policy is based on the understanding that Syrian authorities will continue to strictly follow their international obligations, " the foreign ministry said.
CNN: Syria: As al-Assad's grip loosens, what could come next?
Doctors have been treating their patients with low dose aspirin on the understanding that they did more good than harm, he says.
Recordings were carried out with both loyalist and republican paramilitaries, on the understanding that they would be made public only once interviewees had died.
Premiums should be distributed equally, based on the understanding that some people who seem healthy today could experience unforeseen health problems in the future.
WSJ: Should Employees Get Insurance Discounts for Completing Wellness Programs?
In short, the decision to start this company was made on the understanding that only service and value addition was going to carry the day.
Shortly afterwards, Sinn Fein withdrew Francie Molloy, insisting their previous agreement to debate had been on the understanding that all four candidates would be there.
In the past, foreign business offices were allowed to import cars, computers and so forth duty-free, on the understanding that they would eventually re-export them.
It is wrong for donors to give money, and for politicians to accept it, on the understanding that a specific favour will be granted in exchange.
ECONOMIST: The bad and the not-so-bad in America's fundraising mess
It then accepted a bail-out from the EU and IMF on the understanding that it would not try to burn the senior bondholders of Ireland's bust banks.
Indeed, it is probable that Boris Yeltsin handed over the presidential mantle after Christmas on the understanding that his family and friends would be immune from justice on that score.
It has called for an end to the practice of officials pre-briefing sections of the media about what is in the Budget on the understanding that it is not published until the statement has been delivered.
BBC: George Osborne warned by MPs over mortgage guarantee risks
This is bad news for the stability of the Great Lakes region and for those foreign donors, notably Britain, which poured money into Rwanda on the understanding that it did not repeat its previous brutal incursions into Congo.
According to Alex Kinghorn, the council's chief environmental health officer, the tender, which was signed last November, was based on the understanding that the majority of their waste would go to a landfill site in the Ballyclare area.
In Britain as in Israel and indeed throughout the free world, those norms are based on the understanding that the ability of a society to remain a free society is contingent on its citizenry's recognition that there can be no civil rights without civic duties.
There is also the matter of broken promises: Hirsi Ali was persuaded to run for parliament and to become the world's most visible and imperiled spokeswoman for the rights of Muslim women, on the understanding that she would be provided security for as long as she needed it.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, abandoned to fanatics
CouchSurfing connects people who have a spare sofa with travellers who wish to sleep on it, on the tacit understanding that the travellers will do the same for someone else in the network some day.
When he could no longer afford it, he had taken me along with him on the strict understanding that I was to keep quiet and stay out from under his feet as much as possible.
"The club has written to UEFA due to a series of incidents on the pitch in the understanding that objectively speaking it was evident that the referee did not apply the rules of the game, " Barca spokesman Toni Freixa told a news conference Thursday.
They absorb the loss on the initial transaction with the understanding that future revenues from the customer will generate greater profits.
It was a release valve that allowed the parties to reach a deal on the debt limit in the summer of 2011 to avoid sending the nation into default, with the understanding that a broader agreement on the debt and deficit would be reached.
Look, on financial regulatory reform, this is something that certainly the President wants to work with the Republican Party and others on, understanding -- but I think that the President has to have, and people on Capitol Hill need to understand that the President is not going to compromise because lobbyists tell somebody that we shouldn't have an agency that protects consumers.
"Originally we were informed it was a text message that had gone round the local area, but my understanding is that its now on Facebook and the rumours have really spread quite rapidly, " she said.
An important question is whether the two sides can reach an understanding on how to use the revenue that a tax-code rewrite could generate.
An important question is whether the two sides can reach an understanding on how to use the revenue that a tax-code rewrite would generate.
So far, whether you are on the Rand Paul or Lindsey Graham end of the spectrum, the debate on American UAV policy has been engaged with the understanding that the United States will decide these issues for itself.
The financial payment service providers on the other hand have an understanding that open standards lead to greater adoption and a larger, more efficient market for everyone.