One should also take in the minimalist beauty of the quiet dining room, and perhaps reflect on the view of the traditional garden outside the sliding screen.
Much will depend on the view of the working party of the Royal College of Physicians which has been reviewing the College's 2003 guidelines on low awareness states.
This is a far cry from Barack Obama's attack on the deal on Sunday, which hinged on the view of EADS as a foreign company that would not bring jobs to Americans--despite Northrop-Grumman's leading the project.
Your argument and the statistical assessment squarely reflects the Islamic point of view on the division of labour between men and women.
Earlier today I spoke with Richard Stephenson, founder of Yudu, a not-so-new start-up from the UK that has an interesting point of view on the future of illustrated digital titles.
FORBES: A Possible Digital Solution for Illustrated Book Publishers?
The size of the awards against the News of the World will depend on the view taken by Sir Geoffrey Vos, a High Court judge, of the actual damage to hacking victims, as well as of the intrusion itself, when he hears test cases later this year.
ECONOMIST: The courts will decide the price of ending the affair
On Monday Donald Rumsfeld, the defence secretary, told a veterans group in San Antonio that America had enough troops currently on the ground in the view of his military advisers.
Far better to have this conversation, which goes to the heart of our democracy, in the open, on the record in full view of we, the people.
The Irish visitors adopted a more conservative approach throughout the half, but were denied a try by the video referee after sight of the ball was lost, with Steve Borthwick obscuring the view of it on the goal-line.
"It is my belief that the basic knowledge that we're providing to the world will have a profound impact on the human condition and the treatments for disease and our view of our place on the biological continuum, " Venter said.
CNN: Leaders say discovery must be linked to responsible use
Barrowman said his point of view on the acceptance of sexualities in television, as a gay man, is the same as that of sci-fi fans.
You can have big hits with catchy titles, but ultimately building a following means having a coherent point of view on the range of topics that people are interested in and want to keep coming back to hear more.
Reading it helps align the need for marketing innovation with the overall needs of the business today, so understanding this helps marketers have a more holistic view on the mindset of business.
Depending on the point of view, zombies may result from an act of God, the irresponsible use of science, an environmental disaster, a cosmic event and so forth.
More than 75% of people who commented on the proposal objected, saying it would obstruct the view of the cathedral and impact on wildlife.
The selection currently on view at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, "Michelangelo, Sacred and Profane: Masterpiece Drawings From the Casa Buonarroti, " curated by John Spike, does just that.
Perhaps he, like many of us, shared the sentimental view espoused on the back label of a million bottles that wine is a simple agricultural product, the fermented juice of grapes that is maybe aged for a time and then bottled.
Many bands and performers who were to become musical legends passed through the show including U2, REM, The Smiths, Depeche Mode and Joy Division - but of late On the Wire has taken a more relaxed view of the music scene and is as likely to play pre-war hillbilly music as much as experimental dance or dub.
The quasars provide him a view on the history of the universe.
Be aware, however, that the same shutter lag seen when capturing an image while using the live view option on the rear of the DSLR is present here, too.
And as I noted recently, none less than the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court signed off on a quite expansive view of the Necessary and Proper Clause, the constitutional Swiss Army Knife that lets Congress do pretty much whatever it wants in the area of economic regulation.
FORBES: Florida Judge's ObamaCare Ruling Passionate, If Futile
Derman rests much of his current world view on the writings of philosophers Arthur Schopenhauer and Baruch Spinoza.
FORBES: A Review of Emanuel Derman's New Book: Models.Behaving.Badly.
The Mail on Sunday says Mr Gove, the education secretary, has changed his view on the EU partly because of the way its rules have been able to disrupt his schools reforms.
In his office in Washington, he has a photograph of Ronald Reagan on the wall and a view of Pennsylvania Avenue out the window.
But slight devaluation of the rupee will only help exports and in view of what is going on in the rest of Asia, it is probably a correct policy.
The angle of view on the interactive map adjusts with the user's every head movement.
ENGADGET: Recon updates its HUD tech, adds new view modes to MOD Live
Markit, for example, gathers information from a large collection of financial services companies to provide an independent view on the value of credit default swaps.
FORBES: Open Source for Vertical Apps: Is Wall Street Ready?
It is rather like leaving your car keys on the hall table in full view of the letterbox.
Advise the Board of Management on general management of USLS in view to improve the performance of the USLS and to ensure its management in a controlled environment.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Chief of Section (28/2/2011)(CI 004 - (P5))
"The only reason for consolidation in the sector is that investors continue to have this completely myopic view on the value of resources, " he added.