No testosterone on these occasions means that the fetus will be born a girl.
On these occasions I go into a "tipping and turning" iron lung -- a more recent development of the original.
Does either side really imagine that anyone is impressed by the synthetic anger and faux contrition displayed on these occasions?
But there is a tendency on these occasions to gloss over problems.
Prosecution lawyers claim that on these occasions, Mr Conning broke mobile phones to prevent her calling for help and threatened to kill her.
But perhaps most striking of all was to witness the strength of fellowship and friendship among those who had gathered together on these occasions.
But even on these occasions America will have to take care to keep public opinion on its side and not to dissipate the world's sense of outrage.
So far, it has really been the big news events that have brought people together to share and compile news online - on these occasions, it's perhaps the ability to form a community as much as the news content that brings people together.
The lighting display across the raked seating look spectacular from the blimp camera prowling over the stadium, but the filigree details of circus performance and choreographed trickery were lost as the cameras, as is usual on these occasions, had no idea where to look.
On these public occasions, Thomas often limits himself to platitudes, but the nature of his views and of his place on the Court sometimes slips out in unexpected ways.
On two previous occasions - in 1949 and 1951 - these same design faults had caused problems on the ferry.
It has been reported on numerous occasions, moreover, that these groups have used violence against Chavez opponents and members of the media.
Rep. Paul Ryan, the top Republican on the committee, says he uses these occasions to gain a better understanding of how the Fed derives its monetary policy decisions.
Among the other charges that Mr Conning faces, is that on various occasions between January 1 1995 and July 11 2012, at various addresses in Dundee, he assaulted and abducted Jennifer Findlay and on occasions detained her against her will at these locations.
At first, only one participant managed to meet these exacting criteria, though he did so on two occasions.
Those with a bit of foreign currency to sell on the parallel market need to raise billions to fund these occasions.
Perhaps MPs are not willing to hang around on a Thursday afternoon for a Westminster Hall debate - but if these occasions are just going to be a chance for committee members to make speeches at each other, are they worth having?
Many of these have been showcased in museums around the world and also on occasions in public display in New York City.
And again, I reiterate that when we have meetings with -- when we have bilateral meetings with these countries, we discuss, again, the universal values that we discussed on many occasions with the government of Egypt.
Romney handled these attacks well but faltered when he had to think on his feet on a few occasions, specifically when Rick Santorum challenged him on subject of felons being able to vote again after they complete their sentences and probation.
But some lawmakers sought safeguards while making these non-bailable as they said the accused may find it hard to defend themselves on some occasions, leading to the possibility of misuse of the law and unjust punishment.
As you mentioned and as I have mentioned on many occasions, we have seen a lack of any sort of cooperation in moving a number of these nominees along.
Though Israel believes these have mostly been cases of errant fire, it has responded with firepower of its own on several occasions in the first round of hostilities since a long-term armistice took hold after the 1973 Mideast war.
What music is or isn't suitable, for example, at religious services or on public occasions will continue to be argued, as will the question of whether or not non-performance in these contexts amounts to censorship.