About once every month, the group schedules a large "operation" in which dozens of volunteers descend upon a local neighborhood to do massive group service, such as yard cleanup or a sweeping installation of energy-efficient lighting.
Can I go, instead of getting my hair cut every seven weeks, can I go back to getting it done once a week -- or, I mean, once a month or once every three weeks?
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Now people have it once a month or even once every two weeks.
BBC: A gin and tonic is no longer up-to-date malaria protection
"Maybe the police should once a month or every six months...come to the parlour and speak to the owner about who has been coming in, " she said.
Kastelein says it's possible the drug might work if given once every two weeks or even once a month.
Roche hopes it can be given once every three to four weeks, versus twice a month for Amgen's Aranesp.
This family-oriented site, which combines magazine format with Web flexibility to publish new articles every day instead of once a week or once a month, has unveiled a special Halloween section.
Crowdsourcing.org also point out that a typical worker participates in the crowdsourced market at least once a month, but only half of them perform some crowdsourced work every day.
Pass a law saying every news organization and polling organization can only do their thing, say, once a month.
This involves getting shots of tiny amounts of the allergen in escalating doses, usually once a week, until you reach the maintenance phase, when you'll need one shot every month.
Now I fly down every other month, have hired someone we know well and trust implicitly to come in once a week, and my sister is stepping up after years of assuming all was well enough and that I could handle the work.
Update your PC once a month as soon as Microsoft releases the patches (on Patch Tuesday, the second Tuesday of every month).
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There will also undoubtedly be questions around how many times a month is deemed fair and if the system can do it once, why not do it every time?
The price of things that you might buy every day such as bread or milk is more important than something you might buy less than once a month such as a haircut.