Akeal was shot once through the right cheek as he was running away, the official said.
Once through the general health licensing process, she then needed to obtain licenses for individual products.
Annual summaries of accounts should be available throughout the year, rather than sent just once through the post.
Once through the giant neo-classical portico, however, the auditorium is quite cosy.
Once through customs it goes to unsuspecting or unscrupulous buyers.
Herzallah grew up in Palestine and got his medical degree at Al-Quds University in the West Bank, just a 15-minute walk from Jerusalem but a two-hour drive once through the checkpoints.
FORBES: A Young Doctor Fights The Depression Epidemic In Palestine
Once through the doors of the auditorium, your eyes adjust to the darkness as you move down the aisle, taking it all in, from the balconies to the ornate ceiling to the group in the spotlight way down front.
Kyle Kaepernick, the quarterback's older brother, says Sammy once broke through an iron gate and vanished.
WSJ: Colin Kaepernick, 49ers Super Bowl Quarterback, Has a Slow Sidekick -- Sammy the Tortoise
Some dealers once shot through the walls of my house in Los Angeles when I was inside.
Indigenous singing and music once echoed through the mountains and was used as a form of communication long before telephones arrived.
Geever says for years groups like his have tried to shut down the power plant because its so-called once-through cooling system kills tons of marine life.
Darden was followed by Clark, who, despite a rapid-fire series of defense objections, led jurors once again through key portions of the evidence, attempting to answer questions and doubts raised by the defense.
Once, through the grimy panes of an upstairs window, the younger brother, from his ladder, saw the woman crouched over a dressing table, her head on her arms as if she slept, or wept.
Mr. JOE GEEVER (Spokesman, Surfrider Foundation): We're concerned about, you know, one that the desal may extend the life of these once-through cooling systems or, in the short term, exacerbate how much marine life mortality is going on right now.
Obviously the House is going through an effort today that once they get through we can turn our attention back to negotiations that could lead to something that could actually emerge from Congress and the President could sign into law.
Actually, she did once, plowing through a "big ol' hamburger" but she quickly had gastronomic regrets.
More than once his contacts through diplomatic work turned out to be especially knowledgeable about fish.
Once you get through the conventions and the glossy presentation of the candidates, it becomes much harder.
Once I got through security the only impediment was traffic, particularly getting out of the parking lot.
FORBES: The Travails Of Pakistan: Why Some Countries Don't Work
And to some degree they work, though they make no difference once you blow through the deductible.
FORBES: We Probably Spend Too Little On Health Care (Unless You're Peter Orszag)
Tours are typically once daily, through 31 October, except during the Olympic and Paralympic Games when their tours are suspended.
And once we get through with our work today, then we'll be able to have a little fun.
"There were big rumours about him doing a little performance in Reading once he gets through, " said Janine.
But I don't know if he'll follow through once he gets in there.
Once it works through bad loans, BofA may revert to being an earnings machine (something bullish Wall Street analysts predict).
In this case, the fuse prevents water from passing through once its purifying capacity of 3, 000 liters of water is exhausted.
In addition, the in-game load times are very quick once you get through the insanely time consuming install process, that is.
To me, once you cut through all the legal details and hours and hours of argument, this case is very clear.
Once it gets through, it secretes an enzyme into the barnacle and then waits for the acid to turn the poor guy into mush.
S. -It would appear there's also a second update, the Leopard Graphics Update (about 50MB) which comes through once you've installed 10.5.2.