By then, a helicopter was on its way -- from which a paramedic at one point descended to check on Jack, and into which she ascended on her way eventually to a nearby hospital.
CNN: See daring rescue of hiker
Today, after getting our mitts on the new Image One on-ear models at its NYC event, we were able check out the in-ears for the first time.
ENGADGET: Ears-on with Klipsch's latest intra-aural headphone lineup: Image S4 (II) series, X7i
Nigerians are increasingly questioning the police and military response, one that relies more on labor-intensive check points rather than intelligence operations that could provide tips on weapons or the composition of the group.
WSJ: Attacks in Nigeria Kill at Least 143
In theory, the idea of a single Facebook page with aggregated job postings struck me as a great concept: a one-stop shop where users can check on friends and job opportunities at the same time.
FORBES: Facebook's New Job Search App: Useful, but Too Much Work
You could check your stocks and watch a digital-TV thriller on one screen, while your daughter videoconferences with her grandparents on another.
FORBES: Wired and Restless
The typical cycle for a unit was five and a half days out, followed by one and a half back on post to rest, refit, check e- mail, and clean up.
NPR: 'Gamble' Author: Iraq War Only Halfway Over
There's too much high contrast, HDMI 1.3-equipped, Deep Color enabled for one page, so continue on for pictures and detailed specs, or check out our live coverage of the press conference.
ENGADGET: Samsung introduces 2007 LCD, plasma, DLP and CRT lineup HD