As the associations between products become progressively weaker on one dimension, they start to get stronger on another.
"The world has one dimension less than we think by looking, " says Bousso.
They have designed structures with band gaps that will allow them to control light in more than one dimension.
Nike has long relied on a matrix organization: footwear, apparel and equipment on one dimension, geographic areas on the other.
But, as I and others have observed, size is just one dimension of big data, and not the most important one.
As one dimension of this effort, Mr Lerach has retained the services of Bob Monks, perhaps America's most distinguished corporate-governance activist.
Lineland is a world comprised of only one dimension, comprised of lines, but of each other they can only see a point.
In a matrix structure, responsibility for the products goes up and down one dimension and responsibility for the markets goes up and down another.
"I believe and many of us here believe that what happened is one dimension of the failure of international dialogue and the dialogue of civilisations, " he told the BBC's Newshour programme.
If there was one dimension of disappointment that one could detect in Chinua Achebe, it was the fact that he was famous for one great book when in fact he had written a whole series of great books.
And here I had this opportunity to tell a story not in one dimension, but in three - a video, still photography and text dispatches - and then, to deliver it all on the Internet, where it could be archived forever.
Electric cars are better than their gas powered cousins in almost every dimension except one.
FORBES: A National Imperative -- Building an Interstate Network of Toilets
But on the whole, this is a most illuminating exhibition and one that highlights the spiritual dimension of work that has the quality of art but was actually very much a part of everyday life.
These exploit the fact that gravitational waves should cause space to stretch in one direction and shrink in the dimension at right angles to it.
Employee surveys are the best gauge of performance on each dimension, since no one knows better than the people involved how good the company really is.
Today, the system is used in therapy and education, and can have a strong spiritual dimension -- but one of the first and major fields of use is business, where it has been adapted as a way of bringing insight into oneself and others.
My old friend Maina said earlier on that there's a tendency to define crises like the one in Kenya as almost exclusively ethnic, and there is without doubt an ethnic dimension.
Salam al-Marayati, founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council ( MPAC), was chosen by the Obama administration to deliver remarks in Warsaw, Poland- home to one of the largest Jewish ghettos during the Holocaust-during the OSCE's Human Dimension Implementation Meetings ( HDIM), a 10-day gathering meant to foster the "promotion of tolerance, " according to the group's website.
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And, no, there is not an obvious racial dimension either: many blacks are still doing badly, but Latinos, who will account for one in five Americans by 2030, seem to be being assimilated just fine.