One fifth of people living in Catalonia were born in other parts of Spain.
The Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2012 calculates that one fifth of young people aged 15 to 24 years in all developing countries around the world have not even completed primary skills and lack skills for work.
But more than one-fifth of the people surveyed, 21 percent, said there was too little suspicion.
One fifth of poor urban young people in Moldova, for example, have not completed lower secondary school.
Around 12m people, equivalent to one-fifth of the country's population, are reckoned to visit it every year, keeping 29, 000 people in a job.
For me, one of those people was my fifth-grade teacher, Ms. Mabel Hefty.
Almost one-fifth of hospitalizations under Medicare occur for people who had been discharged from the hospital within the month.
The Livret A, which dates back to 1818, is a tax-free account held by three-quarters of French people and containing almost one-fifth of their savings.
One in ten Britons (and a fifth of all people aged 25 to 34) now lives with a partner outside wedlock.
France has dealt sensibly with its nastiest would-be separatist danger: Napoleon's native isle of Corsica, some fifth of whose people are nationalists of one kind or another, has been pacified with a mixture of subsidy and devolution.
Or measured another way: the number of new workers that will come from hydrocarbon expansion equals one-fifth to three-fourths of all those people counted as unemployed or underemployed in at least 20 states, including those in Wisconsin, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
FORBES: Jobs In a Ripple-Out Economy Come From Oil, Gas, Coal, and Then the Cloud
She says it took her a week to make the first big one: laying off 25, 000 people - a fifth of the workforce - during the country's worst unemployment in 40 years.
About 10% of these untreated individuals (350, 000 people) comprise one-third of the homeless population, one-fifth of the inmates in jails and prisons, and cause at least 10% of all U.S. homicides.
Unemployment is no longer a great worry, but almost 1m people of working age, well over a fifth of the total, are still in one way or another dependent on welfare for their income.