But when one plays the global financial markets a thorough economic analysis is only the first stage of the game.
Orix is angling to take advantage of a new world in Japan, one in which financial services markets that have traditionally been carved into hundreds of neat pieces are thrown open.
One lingering cloud over global financial markets is the ongoing uncertainty about debt-plagued Europe.
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But one lesson repeatedly taught by financial markets is that they move fast.
Since then it has collapsed even further and has now flat lined while the financial markets have experienced one of their greatest rallies ever.
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There is one more lovely point about this: financial markets can substitute just about anything.
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However, financial markets are special in one crucial way: they link the present and the future, allowing savers to convert current income into future spending, and borrowers to do the reverse.
But the IMF and some in the financial markets (including at least one major ratings agency I have spoken to) take a very different view.
One reason may be the feebleness of their financial markets.
The bright start to the year might mean that the current quarter is no worse than the previous one, but much will depend on whether financial markets remain calm.
If you are one of those people who think that unfettered financial markets are a bad thing, and that free-flowing global capital is harmful, you will not agree with its conclusions.
Whether you cast your ballot for John McCain or Barack Obama Tuesday, your vote will help achieve one critical result: the return of confidence in financial markets.
The fiscal cliff has been one of the main focuses of financial and many commodity markets since U.S. elections when President Obama won another term and Republicans kept a majority in the House of Representatives, prompting worries about another stalemate over U.S. fiscal policy.
They cannot know for sure that the financial markets will take Greece as a "one-off".
And a rock-solid banking system is one reason why Hong Kong, with the most open financial markets in East Asia, has so far weathered the storm better than many of its neighbours.
The financial markets are very much a chaotic system, one in which all parts influence the others.
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The second type of institution is one where savers provide money to firms or governments directly through financial markets.
We've reached the point where one aspect of capitalism, which I will call relatively unbridled financial markets operating on a global basis, has broken down.
How long it can remain as firm as it is, with the Treasury pumping money into all manner of financial assets with possible inflationary consequences, is one question the markets are not keen to address.
The country has been expanding its presence in international financial and commodities markets, and is regarded as one of the group of four emerging economies called BRIC (acronym referring to "fast growing developing countries" of Brazil, Russia, India and China).
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The international Financial Stability Board found that the collateral pledged to one emerging-markets fund largely comprised Japanese shares and American bonds.
But one of Chicago's proudest feats was the creation of financial futures markets, which prompted far-flung firms and farmers to adjust their behaviour to the slightest twitch in the price of pork futures or Canadian dollars.
Through a link with stock markets in the region, you can access financial statements one day after they're filed to the bolsas.
But one thing Refco makes clear: When it comes to America's financial markets, there will always be something for him to grumble about.
One potentially troublesome issue was disposed of when, to the relief of the financial markets, Parliament passed the budget of the outgoing government unchanged on April 22nd.
Amid the turmoil in the stock market, I called Miles S. Nadal, one of the shrewdest executives on Madison Avenue with a keen eye for the financial markets.
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The buy, hold and rebalance approach to investing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to diversify and prosper in the financial markets over the long-term.
Mr. BOGLE: I think this one is different because the first nine by my counting were more about overdoing the financial markets themselves.
Several times in the first half of 2008, it looked like the Federal Reserve and the Treasury just might be able to pull the U.S. economy and financial markets out of the enveloping funk that began to gather in earnest about one year ago as stocks topped out.
One theme is that professional money managers rarely do better than average investors at predicting the direction of financial markets, he says.
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