Instead they sat everywhere else, counting my mosquito bites: One hundred and one.
"Adolescents don't watch Cruella de Vil and think 'I want to be like her, '" says Sargent, referring to the animated villain from Disney's One Hundred and One Dalmatians.
"If you have one hundred people and one person is out, it isn't even a speed bump, " adds Ted Clark, executive director of the Center for Family Business at Northeastern University.
One hundred and sixty eight teams of one pro and one amateur will contest the team event, while those from the paid ranks pursue the individual prizes.
To qualify for S corporation status, you must meet certain rules, such as having fewer than one hundred shareholders and issuing only one class of stock (preferred shares aren't allowed).
He was determined to own some of those little brutes and on the second day he bought four of them for one hundred dollars even, bringing Stonehill down from his asking price of one hundred and forty dollars.
From the latest National Referral Mechanism statistics available for Scotland, in the period April 2009 until 10 February 2012, two hundred and twenty eight (228) referrals were made and of those one hundred and twenty six (126) actual cases were confirmed as victims of trafficking.
One-hundred-ten passengers and one crew member -- flight attendant Rene Le Beau -- died in the crash.
In the fall of 2011, he sold two Mongolian oviraptor nests for more than three hundred and fifty dollars each, a tyrannosaurus ileum for five hundred and sixty-one dollars, a tyrannosaurus tooth for three hundred and twenty-five dollars, and a tyrannosaurus tail vertebra for four hundred and ten dollars.
This year, the world is expected to burn through some thirty-one billion barrels of oil, over 3.5 billion tons of coal, and one hundred trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
One hundred and six (106) patients were randomly allocated in a one-to-one ratio to undergo renal denervation with previous anti-hypertensive medication treatment or to maintain previous anti-hypertensive medication treatment alone (control group) at 24 participating centers.
FORBES: Promising One Year Results For Renal Denervation In Resistant Hypertension Spark Hype
"If you had told me as a young boy I would have played for and won trophies with my boyhood club Manchester United, proudly captained and played for my country over one hundred times and lined up for some of the biggest clubs in the world, I would have told you it was a fantasy, " said Beckham.
And nearly one hundred years later, I expect that those words continue to be true, and they should be guiding all of our efforts.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at National Governors Association Dinner | The White House
All one hundred and thirty-four factory workers joined the strike, which began in August of 2008.
Today, their more than one hundred and fifty million users make Paypal the largest internet payment processor.
One hundred and fifty-five thousand people downloaded the mobile game, and 70, 000 redeemed the coupon in stores.
One hundred and forty dogs have been rescued from "deplorable conditions" at a house in rural County Leitrim.
Also remember that all you will ever have to spend is ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS nothing more!
One hundred and seventy homes could be built on land in Suffolk which features in paintings by Thomas Gainsborough.
One hundred and thirty-seven complaints were originally received about the Top Gear episode.
National Journal has ranked Ryan as the one hundred and fiftieth most conservative Member of Congress, in the sixty eighth percentile.
FORBES: How Does The Current Republican Ticket Compare To Reagan/Bush?
One hundred and eighteen points to the Bobcats was brutal to watch.
The box should be available for under one hundred and fifty American dollars and includes a number of other tricks and treats.
One hundred and eighty billion dollars in acquisitions has made Pfizer the biggest drug company in the world--it can take the hit on Exubera.
One hundred and fifty orphans and 28 adults died when a US air force transport plane made an emergency landing after a door blew out.
Of the three hundred and one, fifty-five had met on eHarmony.
One hundred and twenty two pupils in 32 schools were affected.
One hundred and twenty five different experimental barrels were created.
FORBES: Making 46: Maker's Mark Produces First New Bourbon In Half A Century
One night in March, Gonzaga invited me to observe a session that was part of a five-year longitudinal study he is conducting of three hundred and one married couples.
Mr Banks described as "absolutely absurd" suggestions that Mr Blair had withdrawn his active support from the bid, stating instead that he was behind it "one hundred and ten per cent".