In this story, he came to office in a time of unprecedented economic difficulty, one of a sort not seen before, at least since the Great Depression.
Yugoslavia is a different sort of war, one much more in accord with New Labour's claim to be prosecuting a more ethical sort of foreign policy.
And one of the things I'm working on - I have a lot of things sort of going on, but one of the things I'm working on is a book, which always seems to take the backseat to my current activities but I'm getting through it.
It's a struggle, but one he embraces as a sort of real-life challenge.
One is a sort of awareness among slum dwellers of a changed position even if the work itself has not changed.
This one is sort of a Dog Day Afternoon story except for the bank robbery and the sex change operation.
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One is a sort of pathological conservatism, where people forgo even feasible things with potentially large benefits for fear of losing the little they already possess.
After Robert Kennedy was killed in 1968, Ethel asked each of her older children to act as a sort of guardian angel over a younger one: Michael was assigned Rory, born six months after their father died, and they spoke almost daily.
It's always a convertible PC of the traditional sort, one with a fixed screen that swivels around and can fold down into tablet mode.
ENGADGET: HP announces the EliteBook Revolve, a Windows 8 convertible for the business crowd (video)
So we compromised on legislation creating a national marine sanctuary, which was sort of one step below a monument.
When the fluid was pumped around the chip a piece of chemistry called a redox reaction would take place, as one sort of vanadium ion gave up electrons to the other sort.
There will of course be cases where people do close ranks, the culture in some parts of policing is, without doubt, a sort of internal one and people feel deep loyalty to their colleagues.
Or maybe, she thought as she stood in the kitchen, opening and closing the dumbwaiter door with one hand, the necessary act of sacrificing one phone for another could be read as a veiled enactment of the sort of ambivalence required for alternating between lovers in the first place.
He will also have demonstrated that there is a distinctive centre-left programme for Britain, albeit one of a rather old-fashioned sort.
Functional heads are frequently pitted against one another in a sort of psychic and physical endurance test to see who gets promoted.
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By tuning the laser very precisely to the frequency of one particular sort of bond (such as that with a heavy carbon atom at one end), a molecule containing that bond can be shaken up.
The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) has shut its doors in response to a different sort of climate change--one producing a cold political Northern that blew into the Windy City from the Great Plains and beyond on Nov. 2.
But if both it and the explanation for the solar-neutrino deficit were true, there would have to be a fourth sort of neutrino one which its proponents refer to as a sterile neutrino.
In his spring collection, Bottega Veneta designer Tomas Maier, who has long imprinted the brand with a classic femininity, crafted sheer cardigans, calf-grazing dresses and a coat in the sort of rose print one might find on the walls of a '50s-era powder room.
The prevailing Zeitgeist at the European Parliament is one of post-partisan consensus and a sort of soggy corporatism.
Aventajado also runs a sort of one-stop mini-board of investments with a team of lawyers, investment bankers and financiers.
Burroughs turned up at the studio one day to see what sort of a mess it was making of his masterpieces, but was polite to the couple.
Other policies and special interest groups help entrench these policies, whether we are talking about for-profit prisons, prison guard unions, or citizen groups, many people have a stake of one sort or another in keeping the prisons full.
FORBES: The Failure of the American Prison System is a Failure of Justice
It cannot readily write off debts as most of them are domestic and a large proportion owed by state entities of one sort or another.
Warner agrees that Ms Rowling's creation is a different sort of commercial property, one with long-term potential that could be damaged by a typical Hollywood marketing blitz, says Diane Nelson, the studio's global brand manager for Harry Potter.
By ditching its longstanding rule about lending only to commercial banks and extending this facility to investment banks, the Fed is in effect admitting that it faces a different sort of financial system one in which dealers pose as much of a threat to stability as lenders.
In Hebrew one says tikkun olam, a sort of taking the world in for repairs.
They deny that the area will become one giant theme park, a sort of Disneyland in Africa.
Was there sort of a one team trying to make a case to keep something in the budget?
Behind each constitutional restriction stands a vested interest of one sort or another.