• The quotation above is just one passage from the grandly named Letter of Minas issued by the seven governors.

    ECONOMIST: No peace for Brazil��s president

  • More worrying, one passage reproduces verbatim a sentence which appears in a draft document Mr D'Antona had been working on.

    ECONOMIST: Italy: Terror returns? | The

  • One passage, labeled with a white card, contained a reward while the other one, labeled with a black card, led to an electrical shock.

    FORBES: Flawed remuneration: Large bonuses can be counter-productive

  • The popular minister had rejected as "absurd" initial reports in the Suddeutsche Zeitung that one passage was copied word for word from a newspaper article and another was taken from a public lecture, without attribution.

    BBC: German 'plagiarism' minister Guttenberg drops doctorate

  • One passage describes how Mr Clinton usually receptive to Miss Lewinsky's attentions when chatting on the phone with congressmen shunted her aside for nearly half an hour for a telephone call from a real potentate: Alfonso Fanjul.

    ECONOMIST: America��s sugar industry: Bittersweet | The

  • The Vienna Philharmonic gave its first note-perfect performance under Mr Kaplan's baton and he experienced his deepest satisfaction when the horn section, struggling in a recording session to accommodate the changes, played one passage 11 times in their earnestness to get it right.

    ECONOMIST: Gilbert Kaplan

  • "The Iranian nation is prepared to enter into dialogue and negotiation in order to lay the ground for lasting peace and regionally inspired and generated stability for the region and beyond and the continued progress and prosperity of the nations of the region and the world, " one passage states.

    CNN: Iran nuclear plans 'revealed' on Web site

  • In one amusing passage, for example, Mr Talbott describes a chat between President Clinton, Mr Gore and some of their speechwriters.

    ECONOMIST: America and the world

  • She would pick one up, planning to read that one special passage, and find herself unable to stop until the whole thing was redigested.

    NEWYORKER: Free Radicals

  • And now the White House is also trying to head off concerns about one particular passage in the President's Wednesday night address, a portion in which he issued a warning to Iran and Syria.

    NPR: White House Blames Tepid Response on Details

  • Freddie becomes a photographer in a department store, making out with a model in his darkroom, where he brews a cocktail in a chemical beaker, and then, in one extraordinary passage, taking offense at a customer a robust and portly type, who wants his picture taken and laying into him, as though ignited by envy at such unattainable well-being.

    NEWYORKER: Sail Away

  • Republicans in the Senate failed by one vote to win passage of a balanced-budget amendment to the constitution.

    ECONOMIST: Yeltsin comes back

  • Ironically, the one area where the passage of time can help cooperating witnesses has gone unrecognized by most reported authorities.

    FORBES: The Ghosts of Prosecutions Past: Cooperating Defendants and the Ravages of Time

  • There's a small passage in one chapter that speaks of a Medicine King, one with great spiritual and moral wisdom.


  • Launched in 1936, she soon displayed scorching speed and wound up setting records well into the 1960s, including one for a 1964 passage from Los Angeles to Tahiti that stood for 30 years.

    FORBES: Two Sheets to the Wind

  • At the moment, this route through the Canadian archipelago is navigable at best for a brief summer spell. (Sovereignty over the passage is one of the Arctic's many unresolved issues: Canada claims it, but the United States says the waters are international.) In theory, a complete opening of the Northwest Passage can shave 2, 500 miles off a journey from Europe to Asia.

    ECONOMIST: The Arctic

  • Or perhaps he was trying to crack the movement of a passage like this one.

    NEWYORKER: Late and Soon

  • The little bit at the base is the Sherman Act of 1890, a motherhood-and-apple-pie affair that outlaws monopolies and attracted only one dissenting vote in its passage through Congress.

    ECONOMIST: Beleaguered Microsoft

  • One example is his 1994 Passage to Vietnamwhich.

    FORBES: Rick Smolan: From Alice to Everywhere

  • Brown will be disappointed to have let Diguelman's shot creep in, and the goal set up a frantic finale with France knowing they needed just one goal to secure their passage at England's expense.

    BBC: SPORT | Football | Women | France Women 1-1 England Women

  • Pate said the Freemen want a "guarantee of free passage" for one or two of their members to leave the compound and help set up a "common law grand jury" to determine if they have broken any laws.

    CNN: Authorities having trouble communicating with Freemen

  • In one, he had highlighted a passage about the relative commonness of T. bataar, which, he believed, underscored his point that his specimens were scientifically unimportant.

    NEWYORKER: Bones of Contention

  • At such moments, the reader starts developing a few scruples of his own, one of which is: a passage like this is neither good fiction nor meaningful historical writing.

    NEWYORKER: Broken Record

  • In Thailand, for example, it has brought down one government, and eased the passage of a new constitution aimed at cleaning up a political system long operated on commercial lines.

    ECONOMIST: And now the political fall-out

  • And also, is he seeking passage of these measures as one big package or separate measures?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • The opposition says the government wants to cut the judiciary down to size for hampering the passage of bills, including one that centralises development funds.

    BBC: Asia

  • After a 3-0 win over Liberia's Lone Star in Lome on Sunday, the Hawks require an away draw against Congo, in their final Group One match in Brazzaville, to secure passage to football's most prestigious event.

    BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Togo coach looks forward

  • Her stress on national reconciliation, one of her main campaign themes last year, will begin to look hollow if she exhausts all her political capital merely to secure a safe passage back to Thailand for one man, simply out of family loyalty.

    ECONOMIST: Thailand��s politics

  • The Sheriff and one of his men hurried down the narrow passage between the bunks and out the other side.

    NEWYORKER: Sheriff Joe

  • Boneheadly, one Chinese government legislator demanded last week that the passage of the bill should go ahead as planned, oblivious to political reality.

    ECONOMIST: Hong Kong and China

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