"I noticed that one word 'joy' kept coming into those letters over and over, " she said.
When the world thinks about environmental technology, Japan wants one word to come to mind: mottainai.
And, of course, there was one debate where he had a one word answer.
Brazil's problem can be summed up in one word: debt--and way too much of it.
"When I think of my last years, one word comes to mind, " he said.
All failure in communication is due to failure caused by one word only: expectations.
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It's a government and a leadership based on one word more than any other - delivery.
The decline in Nu Skin is due to the power of one word: Innuendo.
It takes courage to write one word on a presentation slide instead of fifty.
If there is one word that summarizes political sentiment in Volusia County, it might be frustration.
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And, Guy, what does the change in that one word mean for British citizens?
"If you said one word about Paul Ryan it would probably be leader, " Romney said.
And what's the one word seen nonstop after Dodd-Frank in The Wall Street Journal?
But whether those rallies are sustainable, he added, still depends on one word: Europe.
But at the end of the day, it all comes down to one word: Trust.
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Washington and Benedict Arnold: A Tale of Two Patriots, Palmer captured it in one word: character.
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"My answer is one word -- money, " Goldstone said in announcing his withdrawal from the process.
And all of these working in harmony is what my client meant by that one word passion.
At the end, Adrian sums up the entire challenge of servicing 24-hour customers with one word: Trust.
In other words, I know only one word, and that word is yes, and yes to everything.
Asked to describe the life of a man in one word, most dogs will acknowledge it is rough.
If I change even just one word, people come up to me and try to correct the mistake.
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If you had to describe Teresa Richardson in one word, techie would not make the list of possibilities.
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He woke my wife and said, I'm sorry for waking you up but just remember one word--Helmet.
And I think it coalesced a lot of things that he had seen into, you know, one word.
"Fractious" is one word that has been used to me for relations between some ministers and civil servants.
As one Brazilian economist suggested to me, this country's rapid expansion can be explained in one word: China.
If the opposition is looking for one word to shape its role now, it would be this: Dissent.
Now, here is one word you'll want to know if you start tooling around with an iPhone, hacktivation.
Their radioactive evolution even allowed them to speak, but they could only utter one word: their own name.
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