Avoid irritating scents like onion or ammonia, which can hamper smelling ability, he says.
Nordby meets occasionally with The Onion's writers to brainstorm ideas for boxes and promotional text.
For example, if you have the choice between vegetable or onion soup, order the vegetable soup.
So right now, basically, anything is a commodity except for an onion or a movie.
"The site reminds me of The Onion in its early days, " Mr. Dikkers says.
Not a whole lot of folks are eager to have onion breath at 9 a.m.
For example, green packaging is for cheese and onion crisps (or chips for our American cousins).
FORBES: Why Picking The Right Color Can Make Or Break A Brand
Add the water, celery, onion, and pepper, cover, and turn the heat on high.
In 1955, he and an accomplice used onion contracts to gather 98% of the supply.
Kosuga and his pal were momentarily enriched, while the onion trade was left in shambles.
Rust-brown tiled rooftops, church spires and onion domes: its skyline is a credit to Swiss understatement.
Any disparity in onion prices will be halved in less than nine months, for example.
ECONOMIST: How much burger do you get for your euro, yuan or Swiss franc?
So were the onion rings and the mud pie the waitress insisted we order.
Caramelized onions, cheese and thyme is a classic French combination (think French onion soup).
WSJ: Martin Picard's Sun-Dried Tomato and Onion Tart | Slow Food Fast
As the satirical Onion magazine put it Congress Debates Whether Countries Should Be Economically Ruined.
The Onion has put its writers through a lot in the last couple years.
Today's onion bagel: Where does it rank on the list of all-time onion bagels?
The Onion has a history of its reports being picked up by news outlets.
BBC: Iran's Fars agency sorry for running the Onion spoof story
To wonder if it was actually a prank of some kind, a pitch-perfect Onion-style parody.
The clever Onion article actually captures the double-whammy of the outsourcing of automation itself to Asia.
It is a pretty sure bet that she would keep onion prices and communal passions down.
ECONOMIST: Congress is poised to return to power, but not just yet
He was served a final meal of steak, French fries, onion rings and diet cola.
His are the only Onion-sanctioned products that didn't originate with the humor site's writing staff, Severance said.
In 2006, when The Onion launched its online store, Nordby's GotchaBoxes were among the first products sold.
YouTube's channel partners include Howcast, World Wrestling Entertainment, The Onion and Machinima -- a network for gamers.
Soaking the onion slices in ice water, Mr. Schwartz says, keeps them firm and mellows their bite.
WSJ: Michael Schwartz's Striped Bass with Grapefruit and Pickled Radish
Ms. Lambert tells the story of Vincent Kosuga, a gun-toting onion farmer who got hooked on trading.
"I had a double-cheeseburger, onion rings and milkshake at Johnny Rockets right before the meeting, " said Welch.
The Onion, Slate, and the Wall Street Journal are also creating channels, as are Hearst and Meredith.
Try pairing the ice cider, Cristal de Glace, with a jar of their homemade maple-onion confit for a perfect marriage.